Find a Load
As a carrier, shipper, or broker, you can find loads and view shipments, stops, and all load details.

As a carrier, you can find the loads that a broker, shipper, or even another carrier assigned to you. The My Loads feature represents the loads of most importance to you. Find these loads and get them delivered and invoiced.
In the top menu bar, click FIND LOADS and then choose My Loads.
On the resulting Find Loads page:
Click More Filters to enter one or more search filters.
Click Less Filters to search only by status or parameter.
On the Find Loads page with More Filters, enter your search criteria:
Status: To filter loads, select one or more status values from the drop-down list. If you don’t specify a status filter, the page shows loads with any status.
Parameters: You can filter loads by load ID number, BOL number, or other attributes.
Origin: Filters loads using the starting point for the load.
Destination: Filters loads using the end location for the load. For example, to narrow results to only locations in Florida select FL in the Destination State drop-down list.
Shipping and Delivery Dates: Filters loads by their shipping and delivery dates. The application pre-fills the shipping and delivery date range to cover a rolling two-week span from last week to next week. You can also type a date range or choose a range from a drop-down calendar.
Assigned by Broker: To filter loads by broker, you can enter one or more characters in the field or choose a value from a drop-down list. Examples: Global Transport or glo.
Offered to Driver: Filters offered loads by driver. Enter all or part of the driver name. In a given week, a driver might have dozens of load offers.
Assigned to Driver: Filters assigned loads by driver. Enter all or part of the driver name. In a given week, a driver might have only a few active assigned loads.
Missing Geo Code: Check this box to find loads without a geo-location code.
(Optional) To erase all your search filters and start over, click Clear Filters.
When done specifying your search filters, click Apply.
The Find Loads page shows all loads that match your search filters.
To sort the loads on the page, click a column heading. For example, click Load Status to sort the rows in ascending order. Click it again to sort in the reverse or descending order.
To view pickup and dropoff locations for each stop, click the number in a blue circle under the Stops column.
The name and ID of each driver appears in the Driver column. To assign a driver to an available load, click the +Assign Driver button.
To perform any of the following tasks, click the
Actions menu on the right side of a load and then choose an action from the pop-up menu:
To edit load details including stops, choose Edit.
To share a dynamic link with load tracking information by email, choose Share.
To move the load to another pre-defined fleet or division, choose Move to Division.
To view the BOL, POD, and other load documents, choose View Documents.
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos:

To find broker offers and get them assigned to your carrier fleet, another division, or a partner carrier, follow these steps:
In the top menu bar, click FIND LOADS and then choose Broker Offers.
On the resulting Loads page:
Click More Filters to enter one or more search filters.
Click Less Filters to search only by status or parameter.
On the Loads page with More Filters, enter your search criteria:
Status: To filter loads, select one or more status values from the drop-down list. If you don’t specify a status filter, the page shows loads with any status.
Parameters: You can filter loads by load ID number, BOL number, or other attributes.
Origin: Filters loads using the starting point for the load.
Destination: Filters loads using the end location for the load. For example, to narrow results to only locations in Florida select FL in the Destination State drop-down list.
Shipping and Delivery Dates: Filters loads by their shipping and delivery dates. The application pre-fills the shipping and delivery date range to cover a rolling two-week span from last week to next week. You can also type a date range or choose a range from a drop-down calendar.
Offered by Broker: To filter loads by broker, you can enter one or more characters in the field or choose a value from a drop-down list. Examples: Global Transport or glo.
Missing Geo Code: Check this box to find loads without a geo-location code.
(Optional) To erase all your search filters and start over, click Clear Filters.
When done specifying your search filters, click Apply.
The Loads page shows all loads that match your search filters.
To sort the loads on the page, click a column heading. For example, click Load Status to sort the rows in ascending order. Click it again to sort in the reverse or descending order.
To view pickup and dropoff locations for each stop, click the number in a blue circle under the Stops column.
You can also sort by the rate, shipper, broker, and broker load number.
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos:

As a broker, shipper, or carrier delivering loads for other carriers, you can find loads that were assigned to carriers and track them until they are completed.
In the main menu bar, click FIND LOADS then click Carrier Assigned.
On the resulting Find Loads page:
On the Find Loads page with More Filters, enter your search criteria:
Status: To filter loads, select one or more status values from the drop-down list. If you don’t specify a status filter, the page shows loads with any status.
Parameters: You can filter loads by load ID number, BOL number, or other attributes.
Origin: Filters loads using the starting point for the load.
Destination: Filters loads using the end location for the load. For example, to narrow results to only locations in Florida select FL in the Destination State drop-down list.
Shipping and Delivery Dates: Filters loads by their shipping and delivery dates. The application pre-fills the shipping and delivery date range to cover a rolling two-week span from last week to next week. You can also type a date range or choose a range from a drop-down calendar.
Assigned to Carrier: To filter loads by carrier, enter one or more characters in the field or choose a value from the drop-down list. Examples: Global Transport or glo.
Missing Geo Code: Check this box to find loads without a geo-location code.
(Optional) To erase all your search filters and start over, click Clear Filters.
When done specifying your search filters, click Apply.
The Find Loads page shows all loads that match your search filters.
To sort the loads on the page, click a column heading. For example, click Load Status to sort the rows in ascending order. Click it again to sort in the reverse or descending order.
To view pickup and dropoff locations for each stop, click the number in a blue circle under the Stops column.
The name and ID of the driver appears in the Driver column.
To perform any of the following tasks, click the
Actions menu on the right side of a load and then choose an action from the pop-up menu:
To edit load details including stops, choose Edit.
To share a dynamic link with load tracking information by email, choose Share.
To move the load to another pre-defined fleet or division, choose Move to Division.
To view the BOL, POD, and other load documents, choose View Documents.
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos: