Get Started with DMS Capture

Processing a batch involves entering information into batch fields for each document image in the batch. The indexing feature in Transflo Capture allows both the manual processing of individual batches and the automatic processing of all new batches in a selected queue.

If any document images are sideways, misaligned, or upside down, they can be reoriented. In addition, the Capture indexing feature supports image magnification if an image needs to be enlarged in order to read any information that it contains. In January 2025, Transflo Capture version introduced the ability to preview full images when browsing through thumbnails.

Once all document images in the batch have been processed, the batch is handed off to TRANSFLO® for further routing.

  • If a document image cannot be processed because more information is needed, it can be skipped so that it can be processed later.

  • If a document image cannot be processed, it can be rejected.