EZ Document eBOL API for Developers
This article provides information about the Shipper eBOL integration API with the Transflo Mobile+ and Velocity Command Center platforms. The Transflo Shipper API offers the same functionality as the Shipper Portal, all from the comfort of your own WMS, TMS, or other integrated system. The Transflo Shipper API is a set of REST API endpoints that allows shippers to create single and multi-stop documents to facilitate the delivery of single and multi-stop shipments. Integration allows users to automate the process of sending eBOL documents to Transflo.
After uploading documents to the Transflo Cloud using the Shipper API, you can view them in the Shipper Portal. You can also retrieve completed documents directly from the Transflo Cloud into your TMS or other system.
Upon receipt of the document, the eBOL is stored as a batch in the Transflo Cloud where it is available to a driver using the Transflo Mobile+ Application for iOS or Android. These documents are also available to view in the Transflo Shipper Portal and can be retrieved into a TMS/WMS.
Navigate to the list of REST APIs for shippers at the following link:
In the drop-down menu, select Transflo Shipper API and click the Explore button.
All API commands must include an authentication token provided by Transflo. If you have not received that token, please reach out to your Transflo account representative.
Invoke the following three (3) endpoints to create (POST) and retrieve (GET) eBOL documents:
To create an eBOL document for a shipment with one stop, send the following POST API request to the No Load eDocument Upload API endpoint.:
POST https://svc.transflomobile.com/integration/api/shipper/v1/noLoadEDocumentUpload
This includes the document, identifying metadata, and a signature file (if needed).
Required Parameters
ShipmentID: A common shipment identifier used by both the shipper and fleet.
ShipperID: Shipper division provided by Transflo.
DocType: Use BOL. Additional DocType values are also supported.
Document: Accepted file types:
LocationName: Must match a pre-defined pickup location created in the Shipper Portal (Command Center).
Optional Parameters
SCACCODE: SCAC Code for carrier.
DOTNumber: Optional but recommended for best results. The DOT number can also be looked up based on a SCAC code if provided.
BolNumber: If a separate BOL number is not provided, the Shipment ID will be used to populate the BOL Number.
Signature: An image in JPEG format that will apply a signature to the uploaded eBOL.
PagesToSign: Indicates the pages (if any) where the signature will be applied
SignerNotes: Notes that will be included as metadata but that do NOT appear on the actual electronic BOL document image.
SignerName: Applied to the document under the signature. For example, Shipper: John Doe
Payload Example:
Sample JSON Response:
<Value>Unite Shipper Test Account</Value>
<Value>Steve Zarkos</Value>
<Value>This is a test of Single Stop eBOL</Value>
<Value>07/29/2022 14:37</Value>
To create an eBOL document for a shipment with multiple stops, send a POST request to the Multistop eDocument Upload API endpoint.
POST https://svc.transflomobile.com/integration/api/shipper/v1/multiStopEDocumentUpload
It will allow the eBOL to be segmented by page number for each stop as its own individual document per stop. This will include the document, identifying metadata, and a signature file (if needed). A document batch is created for each stop.
Required Parameters:
ShipmentID: A common shipment identifier used by both the shipper and fleet.
ShipperID: Shipper division provided by Transflo.
DocType: Use BOL. Additional DocType values are also supported.
Document: Accepted file types:
LocationName: Must match a pre-defined pickup location created in the Shipper Portal (Command Center).
StopsAssignment: Identifies the pages that are associated with each stop. For example:
"ShipmentId": "07282022B",
"BolNumber": "07282022B",
"StopName": "Warehouse 1",
"Pages": [1,2,3]
Optional Parameters:
SCACCODE: SCAC Code for carrier.
DOTNumber: Optional but recommended for best results. The DOT number can also be looked up based on a SCAC code if provided.
BolNumber: If a separate BOL number is not provided, the Shipment ID will be used as the BOL Number.
Signature: An image in JPEG format that will apply a signature to the uploaded eBOL.
PagesToSign: Indicates the pages (if any) where the signature will be applied.
SignerNotes: Notes that will be included as metadata but that do NOT appear on the actual electronic BOL document image.
SignerName: Applied to the document under the signature. For example, Shipper: John Doe
Payload Example:
Sample JSON Response:
<Value>Unite Shipper Test Account</Value>
<Value>Firstname Lastname</Value>
<Value>This is a test of multi-stop eBOL</Value>
<Value>Firstname Lastname</Value>
<Value>07/29/2022 14:59</Value>
To retrieve an uploaded document, the Division ID and Confirmation Number are used. This request returns a PDF with the documents in a specified batch.
GET https://svc.transflomobile.com/integration/api/shipper/v1/batches/document/{division Id}/{confirmationNumber}
DivisionID: The shipper ID.
ConfirmationNumber: The batch number returned from one of the POST actions or a confirmation number displayed in Command Center after a document upload.
Payload Example: