Request an ePOD Delivery Signature
When drivers arrive at the delivery location, retrieving the ePOD for a consignee signature is easier than ever. Because the driver already signed the eBOL or at least claimed it in advance, the documents that are eligible for an ePOD signature automatically appear.
As a driver who already signed or claimed an eBOL, do the following:
pick up the load from the shipper location
drive to one or more delivery stops
get ePOD signatures.
For a single-stop load, you can typically complete one eBOL and use the same document as an ePOD. For a multi-stop load, you might need to get signatures at each stop or, to reduce paperwork, your organization might accept signatures on one final master ePOD for all the stops.
When you arrive at the drop-off location, tap Request ePOD Signature.
Your menu might show ePOD Search or some other variation with the word ePOD. Either way, tap the ePOD menu item to view a list of active shipments with ePOD documents. To make it easier on you as a driver, Transflo shows only your shipments. (Shipments with eBOL documents you already signed or claimed.)
Tap the Shipment ID card or tile. Without searching, based on your location, the app shows appropriate local shipments with an active ePOD. Because you already claimed or signed the eBOL in an earlier step, the Mobile+ app saves time by showing your previously claimed or signed documents.
If you do not see a shipment, tap the filter to expand the window of time from Last 24 Hours to Last 72 Hours or Last 7 Days (a full week).
Tap the Shipment ID card or tile.
Review the list of documents for your shipment. The app shows only the ePOD documents for the shipment you selected in the previous step. Multi-stop shipments might show multiple ePODs.
Example: the mobile+ app shows four (4) Results Found. You see two stops for the shipment, two sets of documents you already claimed (or signed), and four (4) pages in total where at least one page at each stop must be signed as an electronic proof of delivery (ePOD).
Tap the document card or tile for your current delivery stop and then tap the blue Select button.
Enter the consignee e-mail address or mobile number so they can receive a copy of the ePOD.
Decide if you will have the consignee sign right now on your device or if you will send them the documents to sign later.
Enter the consignee e-mail address or mobile number so they can receive a copy of the ePOD.
Tap Consignee Sign On This Device.
Ask the consignee for their name and enter it in the Name field or have the consignee enter their own name.
Tap at least one page. Have the consignee add their signature.
Tap Done.
Tap Submit.
(optional) Record your confirmation number. It appears in the mobile app and is also sent by email or SMS text message.
If you could not get a live signature, complete these steps:
Open a shipment and tap Select on a single-stop document or a multi-stop master BOL document.
Enter the consignee e-mail address or mobile number so they can receive a copy of the ePOD.
Tap the Send option instead of Consignee Sign on This Device.
The system requests ePOD signatures from the consignee. They can sign on their own mobile device, in their system such as Transflo Velocity+ Command Center, or just use the special link they receive by text message or e-mail.
The consignee receives email from indicating that the driver and shipper have requested that they sign the eBOL/ePOD documents with a link to a web portal where they can sign.
The consignee reviews the pages in the ePOD and adds their electronic signature to at least one page. For example, they can tap page 1.
To continue with our example, they can review page 1, tap Add Signature, sign on the appropriate line, and tap Done. Repeat for page 2.
When finished, the Send button changes to Submit. The consignee taps Submit.
Within seconds, the following events are orchestrated for you by the advanced new features in Transflo Unite Shipper Portal:
The driver receives a notification that the ePOD was signed.
The consignee receives a link (by email or text message) to a copy of the final signed ePOD.
The shipper can now view the completed ePOD in the Transflo Shipper Portal.
In the Transflo Shipper Portal and other systems that leverage the Transflo Shipper API to integrate with Transflo data, the shipper can also retrieve signature status from the metadata in each uploaded document for a shipment.