Transflo Synergize Knowledge Base
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A: Existing customers appreciate the enhancements and new features! And new customers are pleasantly surprised to see so many mature features working seamlessly together in one turnkey solution for a broad spectrum of client markets including business, transportation, government, and healthcare! Over the last year, our active worldwide product development teams have implemented over 180 voice-of-the-customer improvements, dozens of bug fixes backed by our quality assurance validation process, and another 295 agile stories for new features and enhancements. For a good overview of all the latest features, see Transflo Synergize Feature Summary. The most active components of the Synergize suite might also include their own separate release notes. For example, for Synergize Explorer HTML 5 edition, see Synergize Explorer Release Notes.

A: Transflo (the company that acquired what was formerly Microdea) supports many workgroup, departmental, and high-volume production Fujitsu scanners. All have excellent paper handling, image quality, and onsite support. Before purchasing a new scanner, you can always check with Microdea (now Transflo) support to ensure that it is compatible. Synergize leverages the very best technology in the marketplace and supports scanners that are capable of meeting any scanning need including single and batch scanning, simplex and duplex scanning of various sizes, thickness, length, and color, and even scanning at high speeds while handling large volumes. We recommend scanners that are PaperStream compatible to reduce document preparation time and improve the readability of scanned images.

A: Experienced users can solve many issues themselves, but be careful! Our documentation cannot possibly include steps for customized configurations. The steps are often generic. Be advised that it is possible you might make a configuration change that prevents anyone, even our Support team, from recovering lost data. As a precaution, make frequent backups of your setup and config files. If you are unsure about any step, please contact Transflo Microdea Support for additional details.

A: Start here: https://vimeo.com/862556538, Synergize Explained in 90 Seconds and Synergize Enterprise Document Management. Synergize to too powerful and feature-rich to capture in any one video; however, you can start your journey as a new customer at the Synergize main product page.

A: No. Synergize is not subject to the log4ja vulnerability. Synergize has no connection to log4J libraries, therefore no action is required.
Summary of the Log4j Zero-Day Vulnerability (does NOT impact Synergize):
On Dec 9, 2021, security researchers discovered a flaw in Log4j code used for logging. Log4j is built on Java and has widespread use in software worldwide. The Log4j (or Log4Shell) bug is estimated to be present in over 100 million instances globally and was rated 10 of 10 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) due to potential impacts it can have if leveraged by attackers. To learn more, see
https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-44228. However, again, Synergize is not subject to the log4ja vulnerability. Synergize has no connection to log4J software libraries; therefore, no action is required.

A: To access the Synergize API documentation, see Synergize Integration API. To access the separate Transflo API, navigate to http://svc.transflomobile.com/integration/sdk/index#.
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