Create and Manage Queues

A queue is a placeholder, inbox, or channel for work to be processed. As documents move through the TRANSFLO® system from queue to queue, they are processed. For example, Translfo Batch Scan creates batches of documents and places them in a Transflo Capture queue. After these batches are processed by TRANSFLO® Capture, they are sent to an import queue, and so on.

You can also configure the inbound email server queue:

  • The application that uses a queue as an input trigger for other work is called a polling application.

  • The system uses internal queues in the Transflo server database and also supports external file system queues.

Queues have one of the following three (3) classification types:

  • Working: A working queue is ready to be processed by a polling application.

  • Failed: A failed queue holds data that failed to be moved to the next queue.

  • Archived: An archived queue has been completed.

After you create queues, you can edit, sort, filter (search), or delete them as needed.