Transflo DMS Admin Tool Application and Report Settings
You can configure the following DMS Enterprise application settings in the Transflo DMS Enterprise Administration Tool:
Capture Performance

You can configure the pre-loading of documents and batches for Capture.
In the left navigation pane, navigate to Application, Capture Index, Capture Performance.
Set the configuration parameters for Capture:
- In the Preload at least (Documents) field, enter the minimum number of documents to pre-load. The default value is 10.
- In the Preload no more than (batches) field, enter the maximum number of batches to pre-load. The default value is 2.
- To allow batches to be saved in the background, select the Save batches in background check box. This option is selected by default.
- In the Preload at least (Documents) field, enter the minimum number of documents to pre-load. The default value is 10.
Click Save.
(Optional) To restore the settings back to their default values, click the Reset button.

You can also use the TRANSFLO DMS Administration Tool to control the fields to be imported into a third-party imaging system.
To configure these Import settings:
In the left navigation pane, select Application, Import.
Select the company and document class In Transflo DMS, a document class (DocClass) is a defined set of document types and associated fields. A Transflo document class has built-in security and is a good way to separate types of documents by department where document data is sensitive in nature, such as documents for human resource personnel records, taxes, billing, security, military, or government data. associated with the fields to be imported. To change the Selected Document Class, click the down arrow at the top right of the page.
Review the fields. You can add fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, and you can remove fields from the Selected Fields list by moving them to the Available Fields list:
- To move all fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, click the double arrow pointing to the right.
- To select one or more fields from the Available Fields list to move to the Selected Fields list, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking each field, and then click the single arrow pointing to the right.
- To select one or more fields from the Selected Fields list to move to the Available Fields list, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking each field, and then click the single arrow pointing to the left.
To arrange the fields in the Selected Fields list as you want them to appear in subsequent operations, select a field and click the up or down arrow.
Click Save.

Viewer groups control the user search and display options in the Quickview and ezView image viewing applications. You can change the list of search fields and field order for specific user groups so users see the fields that are most important to them. As an administrator, you can apply additional filter options to restrict field values and document types for a specific group of users.

To create a new group, do the following:
In the tree menu on the left, under Application, click Viewers.
The ViewersConfiguration page opens.
Note: The first time you open the Viewers Configuration page, it may take some time to load.
If you have more than one company, you can select a different company from the Select Company drop-down list in the upper left corner of the work area. (This drop-down list is not visible if you have only one company.)
Click the Add New Group link in the top left corner of the Group section.
A new editable row appears in the Group grid at the top of the page with an Update link and a Cancel link.
The cell in the Id column is not editable; this value is auto-generated when you create the group.
In the Name column, enter a name for your group in the cell.
(Optional) In the Description column, enter a description for your Group.
If you are creating an Administrative Group, select the checked value from the Admin column drop-down.
To enable the document rejection feature, select checked from the Reject Docs drop-down.
Click the Update link. The new group is added to the list.

TRANSFLO® QuickView allows you to change general group information for existing groups. To edit general group information, do the following:
In the Select Company field, select a company.
(Optional) Apply one or more search filters in the top row.
In the row for a group, under the Action column, click the Edit link.
The group row is now editable. Make any necessary updates in the group Name, Description, Admin, or Reject Docs columns.
Click the Update link.
Tip: When you switch groups, you might need to wait a few seconds for the rest of the configuration page to refresh.

1. Locate it in the Group List, and click the corresponding Deletelink.
2. Click OK in the message box to confirm the deletion.

You can apply one or more search filters by entering your filter criteria in the column headers. If you have a large number of groups, filters can improve performance and help you manage groups.
To filter your group list, follow these steps:
Enter one or more initial characters in the ID, Name, or Description filter fields. The resulting list shows only rows with a matching begins-with value.
You can filter by more than one field.
To filter the values in columns with check boxes or multi-value lists, apply a filter value from the drop-down list. Examples include the Admin field or the Reject Docs field.
Note: Filter fields do not support the use of wildcard characters such as *, ?, or #.

You can associate viewer groups with document classes in the Transflo DMS Enterprise Administration Tool. You can also configure document class fields as search sets and make them visible or editable in search results.
1. After logging in to the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool, selecting a Company, and clicking Viewers in the menu tree, the configuration interface opens in the work area.
Verify that the correct Company is selected if you have more than one Company configured in the TRANSFLO® System and verify that the correct Group is selected in the Group List in the top panel.
2. Click the DocClass tab in the bottom panel.
A list of Document Classes displays on the left of the DocClass tab and a list of Document Class Fields displays on the right.
3. Select a Group by clicking on its row in the Group list.
4. To assign Document Classes to the group, select the check boxes in the Assigned column for the respective Document Classes in the Document Class list.
5. Click the row of one of the assigned Document Classes to select it.
The selected row will be highlighted in pale yellow.
6. If you want to be able to search by a Field, select the check box for that Field in the Searchable column.
Otherwise, clear the check box.
7. If you want the Field to be visible in the search results, select the check box in the Visible column.
Otherwise, clear the check box.
8. To make a Field editable in the search results, select the check box for that Field in the Editable column.
Otherwise, clear the check box.
9. To assign a search order, enter or select the number in the Search Order drop down list box.
10. To assign a display order, enter or select the number in the Display Order drop down list box.
11. Repeat these steps until all Fields are configured.
12. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click the Cancel button to discard your changes.

Click the < button to view the previous page, the > button to view the next page, or the All button to view all of the results on one page.
Click a page number link to navigate to a specific page of results.
You can sort any List by the values in a column.
To sort the list in ascending order, click the column header once.
The column header has an up arrow indicating the list is sorted ascending by the values in the column.
To sort the list in descending order by the column, click the column header a second time.
A down arrow appears in the column header indicating the list is sorted descending by the values in the column.

You can further narrow the search results users will see by applying Document Class Field filtering. Document Class Field filtering allows you to filter the search results by Field values or combinations of Field values.
To open the Data Filter editor, click the Filters link above the list of Document Class Fields.
The Data Filter editor window opens and allows you to add a new filter or delete an existing filter.
To add a new Data Filter, click the Add New button.
Field Name, Operator, and Value fields open in a row and allow you to specify your Document Class Field filter criteria.
The syntax for a Document Class Field filter expression is:
<Field_Name> <Operator> <Filter_Value
<Field_Name> is the name of the Field that will be filtered.
Select the Field Name from the drop down.
<Operator> is the expression that specifies the relationship between the Field Name and Value.
The drop down allows you to choose from the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, Any Of, None Of, Contains, Not Contains, Starts With, and Ends With.
<Filter_Value> is the value to be compared to the value of the Field.
If you want to remove an expression from the Data Filter, click the Delete button for that row.
After entering expressions into the Data Filter, click the Save button to save your search filters.
Search for a TRUCKID that is A123:
TRUCKIDEquals A123.
Search for any TRUCKID that is not A123:
TRUCKID Not Equals A123.
Search for any TRUCKID that starts with A:
TRUCKID Starts With A.
Search for any TRUCKID that ends with 123:
TRUCKID Ends With 123.
Search for any driver name that contains David:
DriverName Contains David.

You can add Transflo DMS users to one or more associated groups.

To filter cross-document class searches by a set of document types, you must configure document type search sets.

Verify that the correct Group is selected in the Group List.
Click the Search Sets tab in the bottom panel.
The configuration interface opens in the bottom panel.
3. Click the Add New Company Document Type Search Set link.
A new row opens to allow you to add a Search Set.
4. Type a name for your search set in the Name column.
Type a description in the Description column, and click the Update link in the Edit/Assign column.
A list from all Document Classes of unique Document types opens in the right panel.
5. Select the check boxes next to the Document Types you want to filter by for the Document Type Search Set.
To select all Document Types click the Select All link.
6. Repeat this procedure until all of your Document Type Search Sets are configured.

To edit existing Document Type Search Sets:
1. Verify that the correct Group is selected in the Group List.
2. Click the Search Sets tab in the bottom panel.
3. To edit the Name or the Description of a Search Set, click the Edit link in the row of the Search Set you wish to edit.
4. Type the name of the of the Search Set in the box in the Name column.
Type the description in the box in the Description column.
Click the Update link.
5. If you want to change the Document Types for the Search Set, click on the Search Set’s row in the left panel so that it is highlighted in yellow, and select the check boxes of the Document Types you want to include in your Search Set.
To select all Document Types, click the Select All link.

Verify that the correct group is selected in the Group List.
Click the Search Sets tab in the bottom panel.
Click the Delete link in the row of the search set you would like to delete.
Click OK in the message box to confirm your intention to delete the search set.

The TRANSFLO® Reports function is used to:
Enable or disable company reporting
Find reports
Enable or disable individual reports
Edit the configuration of individual reports
Save updated report configurations
There are four categories of TRANSFLO® Reports:
Accuracy Reports
Productivity Reports
System Reports
Workflow Reports
The Reports function in the Administration Tool does not provide the ability to create TRANSFLO® Reports.
You can manage high-level settings for generating TRANSFLO® Accuracy, Productivity, System, and Workflow reports as follows:
In the TRANSFLO® Administrator Tool, select Reports from the General menu.
The Reports interface opens in the work area and displays any reports that have been created.
Reports appear in the work area in rows under column headings ID, Name, Enabled, and Report Type. The rows can be sorted in either ascending or descending order by clicking the label in the header to toggle the views.
If for some reason you want to disable all reports, clear the Enable Company Reporting check box. (This check box is enabled by default.) When the check box is cleared, any reports that were displayed in the work area are removed.
To search for a Report, enter a full or partial name in the Find Report search field, and click the Find Report button.
You can also perform a wild card search by using the asterisk (*) character to replace part of the Report name.
Reports matching your selection criteria are displayed in the Select Report table.
To select a Report to edit:
Click the report row in the work area to select it.
The row will be highlighted in light yellow color to indicate that it is the currently selected row.
Click the Edit button to open the editing interface.
The Report editing interface opens and displays the Report Name in the upper-left corner.
To disable this particular report, clear the Report Enabled check box. (The check box is enabled by default.)
If necessary, edit the fields displayed in the work area.
The fields displayed are dependent on the report you selected.
When finished editing the report fields, click the Save button to retain your changes.