Transflo DMS Admin Tool System Settings
As a system administrator, use this article to configure system security settings for the following TRANSFLO® Administration Tool elements:
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To configure general settings for your TRANSFLO® system:
In the menu tree, under the System node, click the System General menu item.
The general system settings text boxes appear in the work area.
In the Maximum Rows per Hitlist field, type the number of rows that should be the default maximum for any TRANSFLO® application using a “hitlist,” which is list of search results.
Examples of applications using a hitlist include TRANSFLO® Capture, Image Power, Field Imaging and Workflow.
Default: 500 rows
In the Default Lock Wait Time field, type the number of seconds that a lock should last before expiring.
The default number of seconds is 300.
Default: 300 seconds
In the Session Time Out (min) field, type the number of minutes of inactivity that should pass before a user is timed out of the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.
If a time-out occurs, the user must log in again to continue using the application.
The default number of minutes is 30.
Default: 30 minutes
In the Object Lock Time Out (min) field, type the number of minutes that should pass before a locked object fails in a TRANSFLO® application.
The default number of minutes is 30.
Default: 30 minutes
In the Keep Alive Frequency (sec) field, type the number of seconds that should pass between the “keep alive” messages sent from TRANSFLO® Administration Tool to the TRANSFLO® server.
These “keep alive” messages prevent the connection between the Administration Tool and the server from being disconnected during periods of non-use.
The default number of seconds is 300.
Default: 300 seconds
In the Client Web Service Retry Count field, type the number of times that the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool should attempt to reconnect to the TRANSFLO® server if the connection between the two is broken.
Once the number of retry attempts has been reached, the Administration Tool will stop trying to connect to the server.
The default number of retry attempts is 10.
Default: 10 retries
In the Client Web Service Retry Interval (sec) field, type the number of seconds that should pass between the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool’s attempts to reconnect to the TRANSFLO® server if the connection between the two is broken.
The default number of seconds is 10.
Default: 10 seconds
In the Cache Refresh Delay (sec) field, type the number of seconds that should pass after saving a change in the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool before the change is replicated in the TRANSFLO® database cache.
The default number of seconds is 5.
Default: 5 seconds
In the Monitor Batch Age Poll Interval (sec) field, type the frequency in seconds with which the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool should check to determine how long a new batch has gone without being processed
The default number of seconds is 300.
Default: 300 seconds
In the Monitor Batch Count Poll Interval (sec) field, type the frequency in seconds with which the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool should check to determine how many Batches are currently waiting to be processed.
The default number of seconds is 300.
Default: 300 seconds
In the Monitor Keep Alive Poll Interval (sec) field, type the frequency in seconds with which the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool should check to determine if its connection to the TRANSFLO® server is still active.
The default number of seconds is 30.
Default: 30 seconds
In the Purge Start Time (UTC) field, type the UTC time at which Batches and Documents marked for purging should be purged from the TRANSFLO® system.
In the SMTP Server field, type the name of the outgoing email server that should be used by TRANSFLO® applications requiring SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) connectivity.
In the System Agent From Address field, type an email address that will be used as the “from address” for all automated emails generated by the System Agent.
If the “auto process” feature should be enabled for Queues where TRANSFLO® Capture is the polling application, select the Enable Queue Auto Process Option check box.
Note: If this check box is not selected, automatic processing of Batches will not occur for any Capture Queue, even if the Auto Process check box was selected in the settings for that Queue.
If you enabled automatic processing of Capture Queues, then in the Queue Auto Process Poll Interval (sec) field, type the desired polling frequency in seconds.
To save your changes click Save. To revert to the defaults click Reset.
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Global Users can modify all settings in the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool. In addition, Global Users can have access to administrative functions if given the proper rights.
To add a Global User and assign the Global User to a Group:
In the menu tree, under the System node, click the Global Users menu item.
A list of Global Users is displayed in the work area. Click the Add button.
The Global User settings page appears in the work area. By default, all new Global Users are enabled, and the Enabled check box at the top-right corner of the page is selected.
If you do not want this new Global User to be enabled, clear the Enabled box.
The user can be re-enabled in the future.
In the Login ID/Email Address box, type a unique Global User name.
If your organization uses email addresses as its user ID convention, enter the email address for the global user. This will be their login name.
(Optional) In the First Name field, type the Global User’s first name.
(Optional) In the Last Name field, type the Global User’s last name.
(Optional) In the Email field, type the Global User’s email address.
Select the Groups to which you wish to add this Global User.
To do this, click a desired Group listed in the Available Groups list box, and then click the right- arrow button to move the Group to the Selected Groups list box.
Two groups are available: Administrators and Public.
Public users have access to all non-administrative settings in the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.
Administrators have all of the rights of Public users, as well as access to all administrative settings (located in the System area of the menu tree).
To select both Groups, hold the Ctrl key while clicking them.
To remove this Global User from a Group, click the appropriate group in the Selected Groups list box, and then click the left-arrow button to return the group to the Available Groups list box.
In the Password field, type an initial password for this Global User, and then re- type the password in the Confirm Password box.
If the Global User desires, he or she can change this password later.
Note: Passwords must be between 8 and 50 characters in length.
It is good practice, but not required, to include both alphabetic and numeric characters in passwords.
When you have finished configuring the Global User, click the Save button to save the Global User’s settings. If you do not want to save the settings, click Cancel.
After saving the global user settings, the list of created global users appears in the work area.
If you create a global user but do not enable it (you cleared the Enabled check box when creating the global user), the new global user does not appear in the list until you select the Include Disabled Users check box at the top of the page.
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To edit a Global User’s settings:
In the menu tree, click the Global Users menu item.
A list of Global Users is displayed in the work area.
Click the name of the desired Global User to select it, and then click the Edit button.
To search for a Global User, enter a wild card search in the Find User box, and click the Find User button.
To clear your search, click the Reset button.
Note: If the Global User that you wish to edit is not listed, select the Include Disabled Users check box at the top of the page.
If the Global User is not currently enabled, it will not be displayed in the list unless this check box is selected.
The Global User settings page appears in the work area.
Follow the instructions for configuring a Global User, found in steps 2-9 in the previous section.
When you have finished modifying the Global User, click the Save button to save the User’s new settings.
If you do not wish to save the changes to the Global User’s settings, click the Cancel button.
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To delete a Global User:
In the menu tree, click the Global Users menu item.
A list of Global Users is displayed in the work area.
Click the name of the desired Global User to select it, and then click the Delete button.
Note: If the Global User that you wish to delete is not listed, select the Include Disabled Users check box at the top of the page.
If the Global User is not currently enabled, it will not be displayed in the list unless this check box is selected.
A dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm that you want to delete the Global User.
To delete the Global User, click OK.
Note: The built-in accounts “Administrator” and “Pegasus” cannot be deleted.
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Through the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool, you can control the authentication settings for the TRANSFLO® system.
To access this feature, under the System group, click Security.
The Supported Authentication Types page opens.
To configure the authentication settings for the TRANSFLO® system:
Select the check box next to the authentication option that you wish to enable.
If no authentication is required, select the None check box.
For systems using this authentication, if a user name is not found in the database, the user name will be added automatically.
This option is typically used on initial set up and training or when system security is not of particular concern.
If the active Windows user name should also be used as the TRANSFLO® user name, select the Windows Pass Thru check box.
For example, if you are using Windows Active Directory, the TRANSFLO® system can authenticate against users defined in the Active Directory.
If your company is using LDAP for Windows Pass through,
Select the Enable LDAP Integration check box.
Three boxes appear as shown below:
Enter the user name of the user that TRANSFLO® will use to query Active Directory Domain services using ADSI in the User Name field.
Enter the corresponding password in the Password field.
Enter this user’s domain in the Domain field.
Currently, TRANSFLO® only supports one domain for LDAP integration per TRANSFLO® Server installation.
(Optional) Enter the name of the Domain Controller associated with the Transflo Server in the Domain Controller field.
Note: This field is not required for all configurations but if left blank and validation fails, populating this field with the valid domain controller name may help pass validation.
To locate the domain controller name you can open a Windows Command Prompt as Administrator and type the following: echo %logonserver%
Note: If you are using LDAP integration, the IIS “Identity” of the Application Pool for the Transflo.WebService should have enough privileges for the LDAP authentication handshake to take place between the TRANSFLO® web server and the domain controller (LDAP repository).
If the system uses TRANSFLO® authentication, then user names and passwords created in the Company Users section of the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool must be used
Note: TRANSFLO® authentication is always enabled because internal system users must interact with all of the TRANSFLO® applications.
If you are using TRANSFLO® security to authenticate users to Workflow, select the Workflow check box.
To save the authentication settings, click the Save button.
If instead you wish to restore the authentication settings to their previous values, click the Reset button.
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TRANSFLO® Administration Tool includes an Alerts feature that is used to notify you if any system status issues arise. The Alerts feature is part of the system agent installed with TRANSFLO® Server.
To view alerts, select a company, and then click Alerts in the menu tree.
At the top of the Alert page is the System Status icon.
If a green check-mark image is displayed, there are no active alerts.
If any active alerts do exist, a red “X” image is displayed.
If there are any active alerts, they will be displayed in the Alert area. This area presents alerts in table format, and contains the columns identified below:
Column Description Status
Alert level symbols that represent: Green check mark indicates the alert is informational.
Orange exclamation mark indicates the alert is a Warning.
Red X - indicates the alert is an Error.
The queue or service affected by the alert. Type
The type of queue or service, either Failed or Working. Date of Alert
The date when the alert was reported. Reason for Alert
The event that triggered the alert.
In addition to displaying current alerts, the Alerts page also provides the ability to filter the Queue information displayed at the bottom. This is done within the Search Results area. The Search Results area contains the following six (6) lists that can be used to narrow the list of alerts displayed.
Queue: The name of the queue that generated the alert.
Queue Type: The type of queue that generated the alert, either Working, Failed, or All Batch Count.
Batch Count: The number of batches in the queue.
Page Count: The number of pages in the queue.
Polling App: The application that was using the queue
Queue Locator: The location of the queue, either External, Internal, or All.
To filter the alerts using any of these lists, click the arrow button to expand the list, and then click a setting. You can filter by one setting at a time and the results are refreshed when you select a new filter.
To sort the alerts list and the Queue information, click the header for a column. The data will be sorted in ascending order by that column. To reverse this sort order, click the column header again and the data will be sorted in descending order by that column.
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The TRANSFLO® Administration Tool allows you to apply and remove locks on a TRANSFLO® System, Company, or Application. These locks prevent changes from being made to the target of the lock.
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To add a lock to the TRANSFLO® system:
If you have not already done so, select a Company.
The system lock will apply to this Company.
In the menu tree, under the System node, click the Lock menu item.
The Current Locks page opens.
Select the System, Company, Application radio button.
Click the Add New Lock button.
The Current Locks page changes to display the lock configuration interface.
Select the type of lock that you wish to apply.
The available lock types are System, Company, and Application.
Expand the Type list and click the name of the desired lock type.
The default lock type is Application.
Select the name of the system, company, or application to be locked, depending on which type of lock you are applying.
To do this, expand the Name list and click the name of the lock target.
In the Wait Time in Seconds field, type the length of time in seconds until the lock will take effect.
This feature acts as a delay, allowing users time to finish their tasks and log out of the affected application or system.
Users will be prompted that they have the selected time to finish the task they are working on when the lock goes into effect.
The default wait time is 600 seconds.
When you have finished configuring the lock, click the Lock button.
A dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm that you wish to place the lock.
Click OK.
If you do not wish to apply the lock, click the Cancel button.
After the lock has been added, it appears in the locks table.
The table contains the following columns:
Type - The type of target being locked, such as the TRANSFLO® System, Company or Application.
Name - The name of the target being locked.
User - The user name of the TRANSFLO® User who locked the target.
Lock Date - The time stamp indicating when the target was locked.
Active Session Count - The number of TRANSFLO® sessions affected by the lock.
Select - Check box used to remove the lock when ready.
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To remove a lock:
Select the check box in the Select column of the lock that you wish to remove.
Click the Remove Selected Locks button.
A dialog box opens, prompting you to confirm that you wish to remove the lock.
Click OK.
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Batches can be locked by any process or user in TRANSFLO® .
For example, a Capture user leaves early for the day with an batch open in the middle of indexing. (In other words, the Capture user did not finish indexing a batch and left it open in Capture.)
In order for another Capture user to finish indexing the batch, an administrator will have to remove the lock from the batch.
To release a locked batch:
In the menu tree, under the System node, click the Lock menu item.
Select the batch radio button.
A list of locked batches appears with details about the users and applications locking the batches.
Select the check boxes in the System column for the Batches you want to release.
Click the Remove Selected Locks button.
A dialog box opens, prompting you to confirm that you wish to remove the lock.
Click OK.
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The TRANSFLO® Administration Tool provides the ability to monitor the TRANSFLO® system for particular events, and then provides notification if any of these events occur. These events are defined via the Administration Tool interface. The Event Monitor is part of the System Agent that is installed with your TRANSFLO® Server.
To configure an event monitor:
In the menu tree, under the System node, click the Monitors menu item.
The monitors interface opens.
To remove a monitor from the list, click it to select it, and click the Delete button.
Warning: The Purge Task Monitors are system generated task monitors. Do not delete these monitors.
Note: If the monitor criteria is met at the time you delete the monitor, one more email alert will be sent.
To search for a item, enter a wild card search in the Find Monitor box, and click the Find Monitor button.
To clear your search, click the Reset button.
From the monitors interface, you can add new event monitors and edit monitors that have already been configured.
To add a monitor, click the Add button.
To edit a monitor, find that monitor in the interface, and then click it to select it.
With the monitor selected, click the Edit button.
The monitor settings interface opens.
In the Name field, type a name for the event monitor.
(Optional) In the Description field, type a few words or sentences describing the purpose of this monitor.
By default, monitors are enabled when they are created.
To disable the monitor, clear the Enabled check box.
In the Monitor Type list, select the kind of monitor being configured.
The available monitor types are:
Queue Item Count Monitors the number of items in a queue.
Queue Item Age Seconds - Monitors the ages of the individual items in a queue.
Keep Alive - Monitors whether or not an application responds to a “keep alive” message within the entered period of time.
Keep Alive alerts will not be generated if the monitored application is manually turned off.
Keep Alive alerts will only be generated if the monitored application crashes.
Purge Monitors the execution of the purge process.
Expand the list and click the desired monitor type.
In the Alert Level list, select which kind of alert should be generated by the monitor if it detects the scenario for which it has been configured to check.
The available alert levels are:
Expand the list and click the desired alert level.
If either Queue Item Count, Queue Item Age Seconds, or Keep Alive was selected in the Monitor Types list, the Object Type list is displayed.
Note: This list is not displayed if you are configuring a Purge monitor.
If Keep Alive was selected in the Monitor Types list, the Object list is displayed.
In the Object list, select the object that will be monitored.
The list will contain either the available TRANSFLO® applications or the available queues, depending on which object type was chosen.
Expand the list and click the desired object.
Note: This list is not displayed if you are configuring a Purge monitor.
If either Queue Item Count or Queue Item Age Seconds is selected, the Configure Queue Selection button is visible so you can configure the alert for multiple Queues.
Click the Configure Queue Selection button.
The Select Queues for this Monitor -- Webpage Dialog window opens.
Select the Queues you would like to monitor by selecting the check boxes in the Queues’ rows.
To view more Queues use the navigation bar at the bottom.
Click OK when you are done.
Note: You can sort the list by a column by clicking the column header once for sort ascending and twice for sort descending.
You can filter the list by column values by entering the first characters of the filter in the box(es) at the top of the column(s).
(Optional) In the Criterion box, type the numeric criterion that must be met in order for the monitor to trigger an alert.
Examples of this criterion are:
the number of items in a queue
the age in seconds of a queue item
the maximum number of seconds allowed for an application to respond to a “keep alive” message
Note: You cannot enter a criterion if you are configuring a Purge monitor.
(Optional) If an email should be sent when a monitor triggers an alert, select the Send Email check box.
In the Email box, type the address to which the email should be sent.
Separate multiple email addresses with commas or semicolons.
(Optional) If a second email should be sent if an alert is not responded to within a certain period of time, type the recipient address in the Escalation Email field.
Separate multiple e-mail addresses with either commas or semicolons.
(Optional) In the Escalation Time (minutes) box, type the number of minutes that should pass without a response to the alert before the issue is escalated.
Note: Once the Escalation Time has elapsed, escalation emails will go to the email recipients defined in the Escalation Email field, and the escalation emails will cc the email recipients defined in the Email field.
Enter the polling interval that the monitor will be evaluated in minutes in the Poll Interval Override (minutes) field.
If you want to use the system default polling interval configured in the General menu, enter “0” in this field.
Any value other than “0” in this field will override the polling interval in the General menu for this monitor only.
The first time the alert is present, based on the poll interval (general or override), an email is sent to the email address configured for the alert.
The next time the same alert is present, the time the first time alert occurred is compared to the current time.
If that time is greater than the escalation time, an escalation email is sent; if not, a standard email is sent.
This continues until the alert is gone.
Example 1:
Poll Interval: 5 minutes Escalation Time: 3 minutes
Result: At the first 5 minutes poll, an email will be sent (if configured), then any other poll interval will send an escalation email until condition is gone.
So an escalation email will be sent every 5 minutes.
Example 2:
Poll Interval: 5 Minutes Escalation Time: 18 minutes.
Result: At the first 5 minutes poll, the system will send an email.
At the second poll (10 minutes), the system will send another email.
At the third poll (at 15 minutes), system will send a third email.
After the 4th poll interval (at 20 minutes), more than 18 minutes have elapsed since the alert is present.
At this time the escalation email will be sent every 5 minutes until the condition for the alert is resolved.
When you have finished configuring the monitor, click the Save button.
If you do not wish to save the configuration, click the Cancel button.
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If you select a Monitor type of “Queue Item Count” or “Queue Item Age Seconds” on the main Monitors page, the Show Selected Queues button is enabled.
To view all of the Queues that are being monitored by this monitor, click the Show Selected Queues button.
The Queues selected for this Monitor dialog window opens.
You can sort the list by a column by clicking the column header once for sort ascending and twice for sort descending.
You can filter the list by column values by entering the first characters of the filter in the box(es) at the top of the column(s).
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In the current TRANSFLO® Server, you may configure more than one Image Repository. You can configure one TRANFSLO® Repository and several Gauss repositories that can work at the same time.
Each Document Class can only retrieve Documents from a single Repository.
In order for your Document Classes to interact with your image repositories, connection parameters to your image repositories must be configured.
This section describes the steps to configure the connections that your Document Classes will use to interact with your image repositories.
To configure the connection parameters to your image repositories, do the following:
In the menu tree, under System, click the Repository menu item.
The Select Repository page opens.
Select the repository you want to configure and click Edit, or click the Add button to configure a new repository.
The Repository Configuration page opens.
Select the type of Image Repository you are adding in the Type drop down. (You will only be able to change this drop down if you are configuring a new connection to a repository.)
Your choices for the Image Repository are "GaussVco" and "TRANSFLO® CSS Repository".
If you selected "GaussVco", the Repository Configuration page looks like this:
Enter a name for your TRANSFLO® Repository in the Name field.
(Optional) Enter a description for your TRANSFLO® Repository in the Description field.
Enter the Server Name of your Image Repository in the Server Name field.
If your Image Repository is not on the same domain as your TRANSFLO® Server, you must specify a fully qualified Server Name.
In this case the server name must be in the format of:
<servername>.<domainname>.com where
<servername> is the name of your Image Repository machine, and
<domainname> is the domain of your Image Repository machine.
Enter “3000” in the Server Port field. (This value may vary depending on your Image Repository settings.)
Select the operating system platform of your Image Repository from the Platform drop down.
Enter the domain of your Image Repository in the Domain Name text field.
If your repository is running on Windows, enter “sysuser” in the Application Name text field.
If your repository is running on Windows on the local box, enter "domuser" in the Application Name text field.
If the repository is running on the iSeries (AS400) platform, enter “*” in the Application Name text field.
Enter the User Name and User Password that TRANSFLO® Workflow uses to connect to your Image Repository in the respective text boxes.
Note: If upgrading from TRANSFLO® version 4.5 or earlier to version 4.7, the User Password under the Repository Configuration of each repository configured with a user name and password needs to be cleared, re-typed, and re-saved after the upgrade.
In versions prior to 4.6, passwords were not encrypted.
In versions 4.6 and later, passwords are encrypted.
If you do not perform these steps, the following errors will appear in the Windows® Event Viewer on the TRANSFLO® Server:
'Error decrypting repository user password: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array., using the password as is...'
Click the Validate button.
The message Information Provided is Correct! displays below the Validate button.
Note: When you click the Validate button, your repository connection is saved.
The Cancel button does not undo the save generated by a previous click of the Validate button.
Note: If you get the Message from web page alert box shown below, click OK, reset IIS, and click the Validate button.
The message should not display after you reset IIS.
Enter the maximum number of Documents that will be retrieved in each request in the Request Max field.
This will affect applications using the repository bridge: Workflow Web Client, QuickView, and Document Manager.
The default is 500.
Example: If the Request Max is set to 10 and a Workflow Case has 18 Documents, the Workflow Web Client’s Document Viewer will only retrieve the first ten Documents.
Click the Save button to save your configuration, or click the Cancel button to discard your changes and go back to the Select Repository page.
Note: If you are upgrading from TRANSFLO® Server 2010 to TRANSFLO® Server 2012 R3, you must select GaussVco and click the Save button.
This is because the default image repository in TRANSFLO® Server 2012 R3 is the TRANSFLO® Repository.
Note: In your Gauss AS400 settings, make sure your Report Type, Report Name, and Document Class Name are the same. (Example: If your Document Class Name is “TRIPS” then your Report Type must be “TRIPS” and your Report Name must be “TRIPS”.)
If these are different, you will receive an error indicating your Document Class was not found when you configure the Document Viewer.
If you selected "TRANSFLO® Repository", the Repository Configuration page looks like this:
Enter a name for your TRANSFLO® Repository in the Name field.
(Optional) Enter a description for your TRANSFLO® Repository in the Description field.
Enter the maximum number of Documents that will be retrieved for each request in the Request Max field.
This will affect applications using the repository bridge: Workflow Web Client, QuickView, and Document Manager.
The default is 500.
Note: If you are configuring a TRANSFLO® Repository, verify that your Document Class purge settings are configured appropriately.
The default settings may be too low for your needs.
Click the Save button to save your Configuration, or click the Cancel button to discard your changes and go back to the Select Repository page.
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TRANSFLO® Workflow allows you to use VBScript to write custom scripts and insert them in your Workflow Processes. Custom scripts use the TRANSFLO® Scripting Agent that is packaged in the TRANSFLO® System Agent during TRANSFLO® Server installation.
To insert a custom script in your Process:
Open your Workflow Plan in Workflow Studio.
Place a Manual Task in your Process.
Name your Manual Task, and select a Participant.
Log in to your TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.
In the menu, under Workflow, click the Agent Configuration menu option.
The list of Workflow Agent scripts opens in the right pane. Click the Add button.
The Scripting Agent Configuration opens.
Select an agent type from the Agent Type drop down.
The available options are: DListAgent, MDPAgent, ScriptingAgent, and PurgeAgent.
Enter your Workflow Process name in the Procedure Name field.
Enter the name of the Participant you selected when you configured your Manual Task in the Queue Name field.
Enter the file name of your VBScript in the Script Name field. (This option is only available if you choose ScriptingAgent.)
The Scripting Agent will run the VBScript with this name in the path specified in the Scripting Agent VBS Scripts Folder box in the Workflow configuration.
Enter the user name and password that will be used to run the Script in the respective Username and Password fields.
Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
Ensure that the Enabled check box is checked.
If the Enabled check box is not checked, the Script will not run.
Click the Save button.
The new VBScript that you configured is added to the Agent scripts list.
Copy your VBScript file to the path specified in the Scripting Agent VBS Scripts Folder box in the Workflow configuration.
To filter the list, enter search text using * or % as wild cards in the Find Procedure Name box, and click the Find Procedure Name button.
To revert back to the unfiltered list, click the Reset button.
To edit an existing script, click the Edit button.
To delete an existing script, click the Delete button.
Important: The Windows® default application for opening. VBS files on your TRANSFLO® Server must be set to Microsoft Windows Based Script Host.
If this is set to any other program, TRANSFLO® Server installations and upgrades will fail.
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The Workflow Purge Agent allows you to automatically remove old closed workflow cases. You can create a different purge agent for each of your workflow procedures and configure them to keep closed procedures for a number of days before they are purged from your workflow system.
To configure a workflow purge agent, follow these steps:
In the menu tree, under Workflow, click the Agent Configurations menu option.
The list of Workflow Agent scripts opens in the right pane.
Click the Add button.
In the Workflow Agent Configuration screen, select “PurgeAgent” from the Agent Type drop down.
Enter the name of the Workflow Process that will be purged by this Purge Agent in the Procedure Name field.
In the Days to Keep Closed Cases field, enter the number of days after Workflow Cases have been closed when the Cases will be purged.
The default is 30 days.
Note: You cannot configure a Workflow Purge Agent where the Procedure Name is a Workflow Sub-procedure.
In the Start Time (Local Time 24H) field, enter the time of day the Purge Agent will look for Cases that are eligible for purge and remove them.
Enter the local time using a 24 hour clock in the format of hh:mm:ss where, hh is a two digit hour, mm is a two digit minute, and ss is a two digit second.
The default is 30 days.
Enter the user name and password that will be used to run the Script in the respective Username and Password fields.
Note: It is best practice to use a user other than tfwfadmin to run the purge agent or any of the scripting agents.
The user name used for the purge agent must be a user that has been added as a local user on the Workflow server and also added to the TIBCO iProcess Administrator as a user.
In order for this user to be authorized to purge cases in Workflow, the user's MENUNAME attribute must be set to ADMIN in the TIBCO iProcess Administrator.
The same has to be done for each user set to run a purge agent.
This can be accomplished as follows:
Log in to the Workflow server.
Log in to the TIBCO iProcess Administrator.
- Double click the User Manager option.
Verify the user running the Purge Agent in the Administration Tool is in the list of Users (in this example we are using the 'Purge' user):
Click on the Attributes tab, click on the “MENUNAME” option, and then click the Value button:
Locate and click on the purge agent user, click the Current Value drop down list and select “ADMIN”, and then click OK:
Click File, Save, then Exit.
Double click the Move SysInfo option, then click the Move SysInfo button.
Click OK in the message box that opens, then click the Cancel button.
Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
Ensure that the Enabled check box is checked.
If the Enabled check box is not checked, the Script will not run.
Click the Save button.
The new Purge Agent that you configured is added to the Agent scripts list.
![Click to expand](../../../../Skins/Default/Stylesheets/Images/transparent.gif)
By default, five (5) TRANSFLO® server logs are located in a folder similar to the following:
C:\Program Files\Pegasus TransTech\TRANSFLO® Server\Logs
New log files are created each day whenever any TRANSFLO® activity occurs in the respective server modules that are being logged. Each log is in a sub-folder as outlined in the table below.
Log Folder |
Log Description |
TRANSFLO® .Admin |
Logs activities from the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool website. |
TRANSFLO® .ReportAgent |
Logs activities from the TRANSFLO® Report Agent used to create and deliver Management Reports subscriptions. |
TRANSFLO® .SystemAgent |
Logs activities from the TRANSFLO® System Agent service. |
TRANSFLO® .WebService |
Logs activities from the TRANSFLO® Web Service. |
To change the log level for any of these server logs:
Create a text file in the Log Folder and rename it to Log.Config.
Open the file with a text editor and add the following line to the file:
<Config LogLevel="[Level]" />
[Level] is an integer between 0 and 4 indicating one of the following log levels:
0: No Logging
1: Errors Only
2: Errors and Warnings
3: Detailed
4: Trace
Example: For the log level to be set to Trace, the entry in the Log.Config file will be:
<Config LogLevel="4" />
Save and close the Log.Config file.
The log level has changed.
To disable this feature and revert to the default log level, rename the Log.Configfile to Log.Config.Old.