Configure Transflo DMS Capture

TRANSFLO® Capture provides the ability to index batches of document images so that they can be processed and stored in your image repository. While Capture runs as a desktop application, it is administered through the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool. These instructions assume that you are already familiar with the general layout and use of the Administration Tool web interface.

This article explains how to use the Administration Tool to configure the following administrative settings for Capture:

  • General Capture appearance and navigation

  • Attributes of the individual fields of each indexed document

  • Preset field values that will trigger specific actions if encountered

  • Both universal and individual settings for document types

  • Navigation and image orientation hot keys

  • Host parameters for Index Validation calls

  • Custom VBscripts that can be launched during indexing

  • TRANSFLO® system Field masks

  • The ability to create multiple documents based on different values for a specific field.

Start the Administration Tool

Before you can begin configuring administrative settings for Capture, you must activate the portion of the Administration Tool menu tree from which those settings are accessed.

To do this:

To start TRANSFLO® Administration Tool, open your supported Web browser and type the location of your Administration Tool site, or click the shortcut icon on your Windows desktop, if an icon was placed there.

1. Log in to the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.

2. In the Application menu, click Capture-Index.

3. A list of Document Classes configured for the selected Company is displayed.

Click the name of the desired Document Class.

4. A list of Aliases for the selected Document Class opens.

Click the name of the desired Alias.

5. With the desired alias selected, click the Edit button.

The Capture administrative settings interface appears.

This is a tabbed interface, and settings are grouped logically by tab.

The default tab is the General tab, which is explained in the next section.

Configure the Host Tab

The Host tab allows you to configure Capture interaction with TRANSFLO® Index Validation through the host interface.

Note: If you do not wish to use Index Validation, or you have not purchased the module, you do not need to configure any settings on this tab.

To configure the Host tab, you must first select an Index Validation action and the script against which it should run.

Once a script is selected, you must associate index Fields with input and output Fields in the script.

Note: If this is the first host interface configured for this Capture installation, then no scripts will appear in the list, and before you can continue you must create a script.

To configure the tab, follow the instructions below:

1. In the Action list, select the type of action that you wish to use to interface with the Index Validation application.

Expand the list and click the name of the desired action.

These actions will only fire if they are configured.

The available actions are:

  • Accept The Accept action occurs when the Accept or the Accept and Reindex buttons are clicked in the Capture client application.

  • Pass The Pass action occurs when the Pass button is clicked in the Capture client application.

  • Reject The Reject action occurs when the Reject button is clicked in the Capture client application.

  • New Page The New Page action occurs when a new page opens in the Capture client application.

  • Field Validation The Field Validation action occurs when you tab out of a Field configured for Field Validation in the Capture client application.

  • Query The Query action occurs when the Query icon is clicked in the Capture client application’s tool bar.

Depending on which action was selected, specialized check boxes may appear on the tab, representing available options.

Note: You cannot accept a document if you have your Accept Host script configured so the index field is both an input and output field.

To get around this problem you must set you index Field as an Input field only in your Host Accept script.

This limitation does not affect New Page or Field Validation Host scripts.

Note:Accept Event scripts defined on the Scripts tab will run before Actions defined on the Hosts tab.

New Page Event scripts defined on the Scripts tab will run after Actions defined on the Hosts tab.

2. In the Script list, select the Script to be executed by the action you selected.

Expand the list, and click the name of the desired Script.

When you select a Script from the Script list, its input and output Fields are listed in the Script Field columns of the Script Input Fields and Script Output Fields tables, respectively.

Each of these Script Fields must be mapped to an Index Field.

To the right of a Script Field column is an Index Field column, where index Fields are selected from a list for each Script Field.

To map a Script Field to an Index Field, expand the list located in the appropriate Index Field cell, and click the name of the desired Field.

Note: If you need to edit the Index Validation script, click the Edit Script link to the right of the Script list, and use the script editing tool that appears.

If Index Validation is not installed on the local computer, an error message will appear.

3. When you have finished mapping Fields, either click another tab to continue configuring Capture settings, or click the Save button to apply your changes.

To exit the tab without applying any changes, click the Cancel button.

Action-Specific Settings

When certain actions are selected from the Actions list, additional options are displayed on the Host tab in the form of check boxes.

This section provides a list of these check boxes, with an explanation of each.

Note: All check boxes described below are cleared by default.

Accept “Call Script on Accept for Doc Type Hotkey”

If selected, the script will be called when the user clicks Accept or Accept/Re-Index or presses the corresponding hot keys ([Alt] + A for Accept and [Alt] + X for Accept/Re-Index)

If not selected, the script will be ignored when the user clicks Accept or Accept/Re-Index.

New Page “Call Script on New Line when no Fields have changed"

If selected, the script will be called on every new image that is loaded, even if no Fields are changed.

If not selected, the script will be called only when a Field has been changed.

Field Validation check boxes

Index Field check boxes

Select the check box for each index Field that should be validated.

Auto Process Performance Settings

TRANSFLO® Administration Tool provides settings that allow the Auto Process feature in Capture to be tuned for better performance during batch submission and new batch retrieval.

This is done by pre-loading a given number of pages of the next Batch(es) and limiting the number of Batch(es) that can be locked during the pre-load process.

This feature can also be disabled.

To make changes to the Auto Process Performance Settings:

1. Click on the performance link that is located in the tree-view menu in the left frame under the Capture - Index link.

2. The Auto Process Performance Settings opens in the right frame.

To change the settings make changes to the Preload at least (documents) and Preload no more than (batches) text boxes.

To disable the Auto Process Performance feature, un-check the Save batches in background check box.

Below lists these settings with descriptions of their use:

Preload at least (documents) - The number of un-indexed documents in the current batch that triggers the pre-load of the next batch(es) in the queue. Default is 10.

Preload no more than (batches) - The maximum number of batches that are preloaded. This prevents an excessive number of small batches to be preloaded and thereby locked by the indexer. This is especially important for queues that are worked by multiple indexers. Default is 2.

Save batches in background - This check box turns on the Auto Process Performance feature. To disable this feature, un-check this check box. Default is checked.

Maximum Rows Per Hit List

Capture uses the TRANSFLO® Maximum Rows per Hitlist setting to determine how many Batches can be retrieved by Capture’s Process Specific window.

The default setting is 500 Batches.

If your Process Specific volume exceeds 500 Batches at a time you must increase this setting.

This is especially true if you have multiple Queues pointing to one Alias.

To increase the Maximum Rows per Hitlist setting:

2. Enter a larger value in the Maximum Rows per Hitlist box.

Click the Save button.

Configuring Field Masks

TRANSFLO® Administration Tool supports the creation of a broad variety of Field masks.

A Field mask is a set of characters representing the allowable value that can be entered for a given Field.

Because configuring Field masks is not a task exclusively related to TRANSFLO® Capture, the configuration interface is not accessed by clicking Capture in the Administration Tool menu like the other features described in this topic.

To access the Field mask configuration interface:

1. In the menu tree, in the General menu, click Company.

In the list of companies that appears, click the name of the company whose Field masks you wish configure.

2. Next, in the Document Class menu, click Fields.

A list of document classes configured for the selected company appears.

Click the name of the desired document class.

3. The Field configuration interface is displayed for the selected document class.

The Field configuration interface allows you to configure Fields used throughout the TRANSFLO® system.

Because the interface does not relate exclusively to Capture, use of the entire interface is not documented here.

The remaining information in this section deals solely with Field masks.

4. To define a mask for a Field, click in the Mask box corresponding to that Field and type the desired mask.

The available mask characters and strings and their descriptions are presented in the table below.

Character/String Description


Digit placeholder.

Character must be numeric (0-9) and entry is required.


Decimal placeholder.

The actual character used is the one specified as the decimal placeholder by the system's international settings.

This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes.


Thousands separator.

The actual character used is the one specified as the thousands separator by the system's international settings.

This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes.


Time separator.

The actual character used is the one specified as the time separator by the system's international settings.

This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes.


Date separator.

The actual character used is the one specified as the date separator by the system's international settings.

This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes.


Treat the next character in the mask string as a literal.

This allows you to include the '#', '&', 'A', and '?' as well as other characters with special meanings in the mask.

This character is treated as a literal for masking purposes.


Character placeholder.

Valid values for this placeholder are ANSI characters in the following ranges: 32-126 and 128-255 (keyboard and foreign symbol characters).


Convert all the characters that follow to uppercase.


Convert all the characters that follow to lowercase.


Alphanumeric character placeholder.

For example: a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.

Character entry is required.


Alphanumeric character placeholder.

For example: a-z, A-Z, or 0-9.

Character entry is not required.


Digit placeholder.

Character must be numeric (0-9) but entry is not required.


Minus sign when followed by a number section defined by series of 'n's (like in "-nn,nnn.nn") indicates that negative numbers are allowed.

When not followed by a series of 'n's, it's taken as a literal.

Minus sign will only be shown when the number is actually negative.


Plus sign when followed by a number section defined by series of 'n's (like in "-nn,nnn.nn") indicates that negative numbers are allowed.

However, it differs from '-' in the respect that it will always show a '+' or a '-' sign depending on whether the number is positive or negative.


Character or space placeholder.

Character entry is not required.

This operates exactly like the '&' placeholder, and ensures compatibility with Microsoft Access.


Letter placeholder.

For example: a-z or A-Z. Character entry is not required.


Digit placeholder.

A group of n's can be used to create a numeric section where numbers are entered from right to left.

Character must be numeric (0-9) but entry is not required.


Combination of these three special tokens can be used to define a date mask.

mm for month, dd for day, yy for two digit year and yyyy for four digit year.

Examples: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, mm/yy.

hh, mm,ss,tt

Combination of these three special tokens can be used to define a time mask.

hh for hour, mm for minute, ss for second, and tt for AM/PM.

Examples: hh:mm, hh:mm tt, hh:mm:ss.


{date} token is a place holder for short date input.

The date mask is derived using the underlying culture settings.


{time} token is a place holder for short time input.

Short time typically does not include the seconds portion.

The time mask is derived using the underlying culture settings.


{longtime} token is a place holder for long time input.

Long time typically includes the seconds portion.

The long time mask is derived using the underlying culture settings.


{double:i.f:c} is a place holder for a mask that allows floating point input where i and f in i.f specify the number of digits in the integer and fraction portions respectively.

The :c portion of the mask is optional and it specifies that the inputting of the value should be done continuous across fraction and integer portions.

For example, with :c in the mask, in order to enter 12.34, the user types in “1234”.

Notice that the decimal separator character is missing. This alleviates the user from having to type in the decimal separator.


Same as {double:i.f:c} except this allows negative numbers.


Same as {double:i.f:c} except the mask is constructed based on currency formatting information of the underlying format provider or the culture.

It typically has the currency symbol and also displays the group characters.


Same as {currency:i.f:c} except this allows negative numbers.


All other symbols are displayed as literals; that is, they appear as themselves.

You can also escape the mask with {LOC} character sequence to indicate that symbols in the following table should be mapped to the associated symbols in the underlying culture settings.