Scan and Index Documents
Use Transflo DMS Batch Scan for high-volume scanning. After scanning, you can replace, insert, add, or remove pages, discard batches, and view the application log.
Batch Scan contains three menus on the menu bar:
File menu: view the current log file for today, view the transmission status for a batch, or exit Batch Scan.
Scan menu: scan a batch, replace a page, insert a page, add a page, delete a page, or discard a batch.
Help menu: view application-specific information such as the build date, version number, and copyright information.

To start TRANSFLO® Batch Scan, click the Start button to open the Start menu, point to Programs, point to TRANSFLO® , and click Batch Scan.
You can also start the program by double-clicking the Batch Scan icon (if available) on the desktop.
Depending on your security you may be prompted to log in.
If your TRANSFLO® Batch Scan administrator has configured authentication for your Batch Scan installation, you must log in with an assigned User Name and Password before you can begin using Batch Scan.
When the TRANSFLO® Login dialog box opens, enter your User Name and Password.
After initialization, the main Batch Scan window opens. In this window, you can scan documents, discard a batch, or replace, insert, add, or remove a page. This window consists of two panes that are used to show two documents of a batch at the same time.
The navigation buttons are provided below the left image pane. Clicking these buttons allows you to move forward or backward through the document images in each batch.
Actions are performed in Batch Scan either by clicking the buttons provided above the image panes or by pressing the corresponding function keys on the keyboard.

Before scanning documents, do the following to prevent causing damage to the scanner:
Remove all staples, clips and binding hardware from the documents to be scanned.
Repair any torn document pages with tape.
To scan your documents:
1. Place the prepared documents in the scanner tray.
At the top of the Batch Scan window, expand the Base Alias list by clicking its arrow button, and then click the name of the base to be used. (A Base is a grouping of documents types. It must correspond with your repository’s Base or Document Class. A Base alias is a view of your Base’s document types.)
2. Click the Scan button or press the [F2] key on your keyboard.
The New Batch dialog box opens.

The NewBatch dialog box is used to enter batch level index field values prior to the documents being scanned into the system.
Once the index field values are entered, the documents are scanned into the system and are displayed in the Batch Scan window.
The New Batch dialog box is shown below.
When the New Batch dialog box opens some of the boxes may be filled with index field values that have been predefined.
You can modify these values if the fields are not read-only.
The Enable barcodes check box will appear only if the Barcode option has been enabled.
Enable barcodes allows Batch Scan to read barcodes on the documents and use the barcode data to populate the index fields.
The Screen Scape button will only be visible if the Screen Scrape option has been enabled.
The Screen Scape feature allows your administrator to define Host screens and the location of the data on these screens.
These mappings are used to populate index fields when you click the Screen Scrape button.
Type any needed index values in the boxes provided.
To revert back to the original values in the boxes, click the Reset button.
To cancel the scanning and indexing of your documents, click the Cancel button.
Click OK to begin scanning and indexing your documents.

Once the documents have been scanned, you should check them in Batch Scan to ensure that they were scanned correctly and that their index values are correct.
Documents that have been indexed and scanned into the system are displayed in the left and right panes of the Batch Scan window.
As you page forward or backward through the batch documents, a blue page border around a document indicates that the document is currently selected.
The number of scanned documents in the batch is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the main window, to the right of the navigation buttons.
Note: You can zoom in on a particular area of a scanned image by stretching a rectangle around it.
To do this, click near one corner of the area you wish to zoom, drag the pointer to the opposite corner of the desired area, and release the mouse button.
To return to the original, un-zoomed image, right-click the image.
Validating a batch involves viewing the document images and, if necessary, rotating or re-scanning documents.

You should view each document image in the batch to ensure that the document was scanned correctly and that the index values are correct.
Navigation buttons are provided below the left-hand side of the document viewing area in the Batch Scan window.
The table below explains the use of each of the navigation buttons, and lists the keyboard shortcut that can be pressed in lieu of clicking a button.
Button | Shortcut | Function |
![]() |
Home | Displays the first page in the batch. |
![]() |
Page up | Moves backward two pages. |
![]() |
← or ↑ | Moves backward one page. |
![]() |
Alt + J | Opens the Jump dialog box, which allows you to jump to a particular page. |
![]() |
← or ↑ |
Moves forward one page. |
![]() |
Page Down | Moves forward two pages. |
End | Moves to the final page |
If you click the Jump button or press Alt + J on the keyboard, the Jump dialog box appears.
Enter the desired page number in the box provided, either by typing the number in the box or by clicking the up or down arrows, and then click OK.

If a document is not oriented correctly in its viewing pane, you should rotate the document so that it will be exported with the correct orientation.
A rotate button is provided in the top-left corner of each viewing pane.
Clicking the button rotates the document 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Click the button as many times as needed to rotate the document into the correct orientation.
Note: Rotating a color TIF image will cause the image to lose its color.
This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future release.
The issue does not pertain to JPG images.

If a document did not scan correctly, you can either re-scan the document and replace the image, or remove the poorly scanned image from the batch without replacing it.
To replace an image, place the document to be re-scanned in the scanner tray and click the Replace button or press [F4] on the keyboard.
To remove the image without replacing it, click the Remove button or press [F7].

When you have finished scanning the batch and have validated the images and index data, you are ready to export the batch to the next TRANSFLO® application.
To export the batch and scan another batch, click the Scan button or press F2.
To export the batch and exit Batch Scan, click the Exit button or press F12.
The dialog box that appears next depends on which of these options you choose.

If you click Scan, the Confirm Batch dialog box opens. The dialog box indicates the number of pages in the batch to be exported.
Click Yes to export the current batch and begin scanning a new batch.
If email notification has been enabled the Send Email Notification check box and the Attach drop down will be visible.
To send an e-mail notifying someone in your organization that the batch was transmitted check the Send Email Notification check box.
To send the entire batch as TIFF image attachments select Entire Batch from the Attach drop down.
If you only want to send the current page as a TIFF image attachment select Current Page from the Attach drop down.
Otherwise select None.
When you click the Yes button the batch is transmitted and your default e-mail program will open with the attached images and any text configured by your System Administrator.
Finish typing any additional text and send the email as you normally would.
Note: If you are using Lotus Notes as your email client the Batch Scan window will remain in focus when you select the email notification option.
Click on your the Lotus Notes in the Windows Task bar and send the email.

If you click Exit, a dialog box appears stating that your batch is being exported and that Batch Scan will exit when the export is complete.
The current status of the Batch Scan application and the user that is logged on is displayed in the bottom right corner of the main Batch Scan window.
The Batch Scan Status Details window provides specific information about the Batches currently being exported.
To open this window, either click the bold text of the Batch Scan status (in the above example, the word Connected), or click View Status in the File menu on the Menu Bar.
If a batch fails to be transmitted you can attempt to resend it.
To resend a batch, click the Batch’s row in the Pending Batches table, and then click Retry.
To view the batch click the View button.
If desired, you can discard any Batches displayed in the dialog box.
Discarded Batches will be removed from the list of Batches pending.
To discard a batch, click the Batch’s row in the Pending Batches table, and then click Discard.

Batch Scan has a number of actions that can be performed on the Batches that are scanned into the application.
These actions are performed by clicking the appropriate button on the toolbar or by pressing the corresponding function key on the keyboard.
There are six actions discussed in this topic.
They are:
Replacing images
Inserting images
Adding images
Removing images
Discarding Batches
Viewing the log file

The add feature allows you to append documents to the current batch.
To add documents to the end of a batch:
- Place the documents to be added in the scanner’s feed tray.
- Click the Add button or press [F6] on the keyboard. The documents will be scanned and their images will be added to the end of the batch.

The insert feature allows you to scan one or more documents and place them either at the beginning of the batch or between two document images.
The new document images are inserted to the left of the currently selected image.
To insert document images:
- Select the document that should come immediately after the new documents that you are inserting. The currently selected document is identified by a blue border around the image.
- Place the documents to be re-scanned in the scanner’s feed tray.
- Click the Insert button or press [F5] on the keyboard. The documents will be scanned and their images will be inserted.

The replace feature allows you to re-scan a document and replace the selected image with the new image.
This option is useful for re-scanning a document that might not have scanned properly the first time.
To replace an image:
- Ensure that the image you wish to replace is the currently selected document in the Batch Scan window. The currently selected document is identified by a blue border around the image.
- Place the document to be re-scanned in the scanner’s feed tray.
- Click the Replace button or press [F4]on the keyboard. The document will be re-scanned and will replace the selected document image.

The remove feature allows you to delete the selected document image from the batch.
To remove an image:
Ensure that the image you wish to remove is the currently selected document in the Batch Scan window. The currently selected document is identified by a blue border around the image.
Click the Remove button or press [F7] on the keyboard.
You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to remove the page. Click Yes. Batch Scan deletes the document image and updates the page count.

The discard feature allows you to delete the entire current batch.
To delete the current batch:
- Click the Discard button or press [F9] on the keyboard.
- You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to discard the batch. Click Yes. All document images and batch data are removed from the Batch Scan window.

The view log feature allows you to open the log file in the Windows Notepad application.
The log file contains Batch Scan usage data for the number of days specified by the Batch Scan administrator.
The maximum length of data retention is 30 days.
To view the log file, click the Log button or press [F10] on the keyboard.
Close the log file window when you have finished viewing the log.