DMS Capture Startup Options and Batch Lists
You can configure the Capture Startup Options dialog box and Batch List window to optimize your Capture session. You can also find a particular batch in the Batch List and select it for indexing.

When the Capture application starts, the first portion of its interface is the Startup Options dialog box which allows you to configure how Capture is used.
To configure this dialog box:
On the Index tab, select the queue that contains the batches that you want to index.
Click the arrow button to expand the Selected Queue list, and click the name of the queue.
In the Select batch processing type field, select the type of processing that you want to perform.
To index all batches waiting in the selected queue, select the Process All New Batches option.
To index all batches automatically using the settings that have been configured in the Transflo DMS Enterprise Administration Tool, select Auto Process All New Batches.
Tip: The Auto Process All New Batches option appears only when it has been enabled in the Administration Tool. A pop-up message notifies you when this queue is not enabled for Auto Processing. To enable this option, contact your system administrator.
If you use this feature, you must also select a queue from the Failed Queue list. Any documents that fail indexing rules are split off of the batch and sent to your selected failed queue.
To select which batch to index from a list of available batches, select the Process Specific Batch option.
To make your queue and batch processing type selections the default settings in the future, select the Always start using these settings check box.
(Optional) To cancel your changes and exit the Capture application, click the Exit button.
To save and apply your changes, click OK.

In the Batch List window, you can:
Select a specific batch to process using the TRANSFLO® Capture indexing feature.
View information about all batches awaiting indexing in a given queue.
Filter the list of batches to reduce clutter and see only the batches that match your search criteria.
To select a batch for indexing, follow the steps below:
In the Capture Startup Options window, select the Process Specific Batch option.
The Batch List window appears. By default, the queue represented in the Batch List window is the one you selected in the Capture Startup Options window, but you can select a different queue. To do this click the name of the queue in the Select Queue table, on the left side of the Batch List window.
By default, queues are sorted by the Queue Name column in ascending order. To change the sort order, click the Queue Name or Batch Count column headers.
The majority of the space in the Batch List window is occupied by the Select Batch table. This table consists of a list of the batches available for the selected queue and base alias.
To sort the list of batches, click a column header. By default, batches are sorted in ascending order, according to the Local Insert Datetime column.
Column headers can also be re-sized and re-ordered.
To re-size a column, place the mouse pointer at the right-hand divider of the header, and when the re-size cursor becomes available, drag it to the desired width.
To change the order of the columns, click on a column header that you wish to move and drag it to the desired position. Repeat this until the columns are in the desired order.
As you view this window, new batches can become available, or existing batches can be locked as they are opened by other users. It can be helpful, therefore, to click the Refresh button in the top-right corner of the Batch List window, especially if the window has been open for any length of time. When this button is clicked, any newly available batches are added to the list, and any batches locked or indexed by another user are removed from the list.
Click + Expand and - Collapse to the left of each batch to show or hide activity information about that batch. The batch information area expands to show the activity comments (if any) entered for that batch.
If your administrator has enabled any Process Specific fields for an Alias and you Filter on the Alias with the Advanced Filter Criteria (see below), these fields and all unique values available appear next to the Last Activity Comment. These fields also appear after the alias in the main list. For more information about Process Specific fields, contact your TRANSFLO® System Administrator.
If you know which batch you wish to index, you can select it at any time either by double-clicking anywhere in its row, or by clicking the row once and then clicking the OK button. When you select a batch, the TRANSFLO® Capture window appears, and you can begin indexing the page images for that batch. If this happens reject the uncompressed documents. Also, when using Get Document from the File menu, be sure to select images that are in compressed formats.
Note: Since the System can be configured to accept any File Type (ex. Word Document, Excel File, Audio, and Video), you may need an external program to view that File Type.Capture will not be able to display the details of the File Type in the panel, unless you have the appropriate external program.

If you cannot determine from the listed Batches which one you wish to index, or you wish to filter the Batches so that only those meeting certain criteria are shown, use the Batch List window’s filter feature.
The Batch List window allows you to filter the list of Batches displayed according to criteria that you enter.
This filter criteria is entered in the Advanced Filter Criteria area at the bottom of the window.
By default, the Advanced Filter Criteria area is hidden from view.
To display it, click the
To hide the area again, click the
The filter feature allows you to select a particular type of batch field, select an operator (equal, greater than, less then, etc.), and enter a specific value.
When you apply this filter to the available Batches, only those matching the entered criteria will be displayed.
To configure filter criteria:
1. Display the Advanced Filter Criteria area by clicking the button, if it is not already displayed.
2. If multiple Document Class Aliases exist, select the Alias for which you wish to filter the batch from the Alias drop-down.
If there is only one Alias for the Document Class, the Alias list is not available.
Note: If you want to filter solely by Alias, click the Apply Filter button at this point.
3. In the Field list, select the type of batch field that you wish to use as the basis for filtering.
Click the arrow button to the right of the list to expand it, and then click the desired field type.
The list displays the types of fields found in the available Batches.
Possible examples include PRO, DOCTYPE, or BatchID.
4. In the Operator drop down, select the type of operator that should be used in the filter action.
The available operators are:
5. In the Value box, type the precise value that should be filtered against, for the selected field type.
6. When you have finished configuring the filter criteria, click the Apply Filter button. If the filter function finds one or more Batches matching your criteria, they are listed in the Select Batch area. If no Batches match the filter criteria that you entered, no Batches are displayed in the Select Batch area. To restore the original list of Batches, click the View All button.