Get Started with DMS Capture
Processing a batch involves entering information into batch fields for each document image in the batch. The indexing feature in Transflo Capture allows both the manual processing of individual batches and the automatic processing of all new batches in a selected queue.
If any document images are sideways, misaligned, or upside down, they can be reoriented. In addition, the Capture indexing feature supports image magnification if an image needs to be enlarged in order to read any information that it contains. In January 2025, Transflo Capture version introduced the ability to preview full images when browsing through thumbnails.
Once all document images in the batch have been processed, the batch is handed off to TRANSFLO® for further routing.
If a document image cannot be processed because more information is needed, it can be skipped so that it can be processed later.
If a document image cannot be processed, it can be rejected.

To start TRANSFLO® Capture for the first time, click the Start button on the Windows task bar, point to Programs> TRANSFLO® > Capture.
The Capture Startup Options dialog box opens. From here, you can determine how your Capture session will begin.
To log in to the TRANSFLO® Capture application:
1. Click the Windows Start button, point to Program Files > TRANSFLO® > Capture.
The Login window opens.
Selecting the Save credentials & bypass login screen check box will allow your login details to be saved and skip the login screen, after you select the TRANSFLO® Capture application.
2. Select an Authentication Type from the Authentication list.
There are three types of Authentication, from which you can choose:
None - This option allows anyone who has access to the computer to access Capture.
NTPassThru - This option uses your Windows® User account to access Capture.
TRANSFLO® - When you use TRANSFLO® Authentication, you must use a User Name and Password configured in the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.
3. If you selected TRANSFLO® as the authentication type, type your user name and password in the User Name and Password boxes, respectively.
4. To use this authentication type each time you log in, select the Always use this authentication type check box.
5. To complete your login and start the Capture application, click the OK button. If you do not wish to log in, click the Cancel button.
If you need help logging in, click the Help button, to open the Capture Online Help System.

The following table contains default keyboard shortcuts that can be used to perform the most common actions, in the TRANSFLO® Capture window. These can be configured in the TRANSFLO® Administration Tool.
Action |
Keyboard Shortcut |
Close the current batch. |
Ctrl + E |
Print the current image. |
Ctrl + P |
Email the current image. |
Ctrl + M |
Accept the current image. |
Alt + A |
Pass the current image. |
Alt + P |
Reject the current image. If the Multiple Values pop-up window is open, Alt + R removes the selected row from the Multiple Values window. |
Alt + R |
Accept and re-index the current image. |
Alt + X |
Opens Multiple Values pop-up window. |
Alt + M |
Removes all values from the Multiple Values pop-up window. |
Alt + O |
Keeps the values in the Multiple Values pop-up window and closes the Multiple Values pop-up window. |
Alt + D |
Discards the values in the Multiple Values pop-up window and closes the Multiple Values pop-up window. |
Alt + C |
Navigate to the next document. |
Alt + ↓ |
Navigate to the previous document. |
Alt + ↑ |
Reset all fields if the focus is on the first index field. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
* |
If the focus is on a field that is not the first index field, the first index field gets focus. |
* |
Rotate image 90° left. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
Home |
Rotate image 90° right. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
End |
Rotate image 180°. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
/ |
Fit image width to display area. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
Page Down |
Fit image width to display area. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
Page Up |
Zoom in on image. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
+ |
Zoom out from image. (Configurable by Administrator. Default shown at right) |
-- |
Zoom in on upper-left quadrant of document. |
← |
Zoom in on upper-right quadrant of document. |
→ |
Zoom in on lower-right quadrant of document. |
↓ |
Zoom in on lower-left quadrant of document. |
↑ |
Zoom in on the middle of the document. |
Insert |

After you select one or more batches to be indexed, the main TRANSFLO Capture interface appears. The TRANSFLO Capture window provides all of the tools required to index batches of document images.
The TRANSFLO Capture window is divided into the following eight (8) areas:

The menu bar provides a way to access all of the functions available in the TRANSFLO® Capture window. Most of the functions available in the menu bar can also be performed by clicking buttons in the interface. To access an option from the menu bar, click a menu heading and then choose a menu item below it.
The table below lists the options available in each of the menus, along with a description of each menu item.
Menu | Option | Description |
File |
Close Current Batch |
Closes the batch currently displayed in the TRANSFLO® Capture window, but leaves the window open. If the batch has been partially processed, the changes will be submitted, but the batch will be retained in the Queue. |
File |
Process All New Batches |
Opens the oldest batch awaiting processing in the Queue to which you are assigned. If multiple Queues are assigned to you, the currently selected Queue is used. |
File |
Auto Process All New Batches |
Opens the oldest batch awaiting processing in the Queue to which you are assigned, and begins indexing all Batches automatically using the settings that have been configured in TRANSFLO® Administration Tool. |
File |
Process Specific Batch |
Opens the Batch List window where you can select a batch to process. See Selecting a Specific Batch for Indexing, for information on the Batch List window. |
File |
Send To |
Opens the Mail Recipient sub-menu. Click Mail Recipient to open a new outgoing message, in your default e-mail program. The message is empty ready for you to draft your message and includes the current document image as an attachment. |
File |
Get Document |
Opens a window where you can select a TIF, JPG or any other image file type to import into the current batch. All other file types can be imported and stored in their native file format. |
File |
Prints the currently displayed image to the default printer. If your Administrator has enabled the Use Printer Dialog option, the printer dialog box will appear first, instead of directly printing the image. |
File |
Exit |
Closes the Capture application. A message box appears stating that the batch has not been completed and asking if you wish to exit.
Tools |
Query |
If your Administrator has enabled the Index Validation function, the Manual Query window appears. If Index Validation has not been enabled, the Query option cannot be selected. |
Tools |
Display Processing Options |
Opens the Capture Startup Options dialog box, from which you can select options that determine the default queue and batch processing type for this Capture session. |
Tools |
Display Login Options |
Opens the Login Options dialog box, which allows you to set the default authentication type to use when logging into Capture. If the desired authentication type is either None or NT Pass Thru, you can also select to bypass the Login dialog box in the future. See Configuring Future Login Options for more information. |
Queues |
<queue_names> |
This menu displays a list of all queues that your Administrator has made available to you. A check mark is displayed next to the currently selected queue. |
Document |
Thumbnails > Show Thumbnails |
Displays thumbnail images in the Image Preview. |
Document |
Thumbnails > Open Image Viewer |
Opens the currently selected thumbnail image in the Image Viewer dialog box |
Document |
Rotate 90° Left |
Rotates the currently displayed image 90° to the left. |
Document |
Rotate 90° Right |
Rotates the currently displayed image 90° to the right. |
Document |
Rotate 180° |
Rotates the currently displayed image 180°. |
Document |
Fit to Width |
Re-sizes the currently displayed image so that it fits just inside the image display area horizontally. |
Document |
Fit to Height |
Re-sizes the currently displayed image so that it fits just inside the image display area vertically. |
Document |
Fit to Page |
Re-sizes the currently displayed image so that it fits entirely within the image display area. |
Document |
Zoom In |
Enlarges the image view by 10% within the display area. |
Document |
Zoom Out |
Shrinks the image view by 10% within the display area. |
Document |
Previous Document |
Displays the previous document image in the batch, even if the previous document was rejected. |
Document |
Next Document |
Displays the next document image in the batch. |
Help |
Help Contents |
Opens Capture online help. |
Help |
Search |
Opens the search window for Capture online help. |
Help |
About TRANSFLO® Capture |
Opens a window displaying information about Capture. |

The toolbar provides a simple way to perform a number of tasks within the TRANSFLO® Capture interface.
The functions provided by toolbar buttons include:
Re-sizing, re-orienting, and zooming in on the document image.
Skipping backwards or ahead to other document images in the batch.
Opening the Manual Query window.
Printing or emailing the currently displayed document image.
In addition to the buttons shown above, the toolbar also displays the identification number of the current batch, the current User ID, and the currently selected queue.
The table below contains the names and images of the buttons found on the TRANSFLO® Capture toolbar, along with a description of each button.
Button |
Description |
Fit to Width |
Re-sizes the currently displayed image so that it fits just inside the image display area horizontally. |
Fit to Height |
Re-sizes the currently displayed image so that it fits just inside the image display area vertically. |
Fit to Page |
R-esizes the currently displayed image so that it fits entirely within the image display area. |
Rotate 180° |
Rotates the currently displayed image 180°. |
Rotate 90° Left |
Rotates the currently displayed image 90° to the left. |
Button | Description |
Rotate 90° Right
Rotates the currently displayed image 90° to the right. |
Previous Document
Displays the previous document image in the batch, even if the previous document was rejected. |
Next Document
Displays the next document image in the batch. |
If a host script was configured on a query action, the Manual Query window appears. If a host script has not been enabled, a message appears stating that the Manual Query window cannot be activated. |
Prints the currently displayed image to the default printer. If your Administrator has enabled the Use Printer Dialog option, the printer dialog box will appear first, instead of directly printing the image. |
Send To
Opens a new outgoing message in your e-mail program. The message will be blank and will have the current document image attached. |
Zoom Upper Left
Enlarges the upper-left portion of the current document image in the viewing area. |
Zoom Upper Right
Enlarges the upper-right portion of the current document image in the viewing area. |
Enlarges the view of the current document image by 10% within the display area. |
Zoom Lower Left
Enlarges the lower-left portion of the current document image in the viewing area. |
Zoom Lower Right
Enlarges the lower-left portion of the current document image in the viewing area. |
Image Preview
Displays or hides the Image Preview area, depending on the current state of the area. |
Open With
Opens the Document with the external application registered in Windows® for the file type. |

The Data Entry area is used to assign values, to the displayed document image.
Values are entered by typing them in the text boxes provided.
Certain text boxes are required to contain a value, before the document image can be accepted for processing.
These text boxes are denoted with a red asterisk, as seen with the Order Number, Tractor Number, and Driver Code boxes in the image below.
For some text boxes, entering a value may not be possible.
This occurs if your Capture Administrator has prevented certain text boxes from being editable.
This, too, can be seen with the Batch ID box in the image below.
Typically, if a text box is made non-editable, its value is imported from another application.
To complete the Data Entry area, you should review the document image and type the appropriate values in the text boxes provided.
Note: Some text boxes likely will be configured to accept only certain values.
For more information, ask your TRANSFLO® System Administrator if input masks are being used for any fields, and if so, what are the required input formats for those fields.

The document image area displays the current document being indexed.
To make the image more readable, it can be manipulated via the controls provided for changing its displayed size and orientation.
If the size of the document image exceeds that of the display area, horizontal and vertical scroll bars appear as needed, so that you can move the displayed area of the document up and down and side to side.
If the Document is not a TIFF image, Capture will try to preview the Document within the document image area.
Not all files can be open this way.
If a file cannot be opened in the document image area, Capture will display a button in the document image area that you can click, to launch an external application that will open the file.

The Image Preview area provides an at-a-glance view of all of the document images, in the current batch.
The documents are shown as thumbnail images and are displayed from top to bottom, in the order in which they appear in the batch.
Any image in the preview area can quickly be displayed in the Image Viewer dialog box, by double-clicking its thumbnail.
If the file is not an image, the Image Preview will either display the Windows icon for the file type or the file extension, for unknown file types.
The thumbnail caption indicates whether the image was indexed or not.
If it was accepted, the Document Type and the word Accepted are displayed in the thumbnail caption.
Rejected and Passed documents also are indicated with a thumbnail caption.
Note: If you open a large batch, it may take a few seconds to load the Document thumbnails in the ImagePreview area. If this happens, you will see Loading... displayed in the Image Preview area.
Change Display Modes
The manner in which the Image Preview area is displayed can be changed based on your preferences.
The area can either be fixed to the right edge of the window, so that it is constantly visible (Display Thumbnails mode), or it can be made to hide itself when it is not being used (AutoHide mode).
If the Image Preview area is in Display Thumbnails mode, it can be put into AutoHide mode by clicking the button.
The Image Preview area then slides to the right and disappears, to be represented by the Image Preview tab.
To view the area while it is in Auto Hide mode, position the mouse pointer over the Image Preview tab.
The Image Preview area reappears and can be used just as if it were in Display Thumbnails mode.
When you are finished using the Image Preview area, simply drag the mouse pointer off of the area, and it will disappear again.
To put the Image Preview area back into Display Thumbnails mode, position the mouse pointer over the Image Preview tab.
When the Image Preview area reappears, click the button.
From either display mode, the Image Preview area feature can be turned off by clicking the button.
To activate the feature again, click the button on the toolbar.
Navigate Inside the Image Preview Area
At the bottom of the Image Preview area is a set of buttons that are used to maneuver forward or backward, through the image thumbnails in the preview area.
The table below displays the navigation buttons used to move through the thumbnails in the Image Preview area and describes the action performed, by clicking each button.
Button | Description |
First Image
Jumps to the beginning of the series of document images. |
Previous 5 Images
The preview area displays the previous five images in the batch. |
Previous Image
The preview area displays the previous image in the batch. |
Next Image
The preview area displays the next image in the batch. |
Next 5 Images
The preview area displays the next five images in the batch. |
Last Image
The preview area displays the final image in the batch. |
To move the document currently selected in the Image Preview area to the first un-indexed location in the list, click the Make Current button.
Make Current can be disabled by your System Administrator.
To read any comments that have been entered for the selected document image, click the View Comments button.
If no comments exist for an image, the View Comments button is not available.

The action buttons at the bottom left corner of the TRANSFLO® Capture window are used to process each document image in a batch. The action button area contains a message indicating the current index status of the document image.
The table below displays the action buttons and describes the action performed when you click each button:
Button | Description |
Accepts the entered values and indexes the current document image with those values. This button is available, only if a document type was selected in the Document Type area and all required fields are populated. |
Used for document images that were previously indexed. Accepts the entered values and indexes the current document image, creating a new copy of the document record with a new identification number. This button is available only if your Capture Administrator has enabled it, a document type was selected in the Document Type area, and all required fields are populated. |
Passes the document image, so that it can be indexed at a future date. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm that you wish to pass the document image; this dialog box also includes the ability to clear any values that were entered for the document image. Upon confirming that you wish to pass the document image, you can enter a note (up to 256 characters) explaining the reason for passing the image. This button is available only if your Capture Administrator has enabled it. |
Rejects the image, meaning that the batch cannot be processed as-is. The document should be re-scanned and indexed. This button is available only if your Capture Administrator has enabled it. |
Submits the batch after the batch has been reviewed. This button is available only if your Capture Administrator has enabled it for the current Queue. |
Opens the Multiple pop-up. Allows you to enter more than one value for an Index Field. Each value in the pop-up will generate a copy of the existing Document with Index field populated from the pop up. This button is available, only if your Capture Administrator has enabled it. |

The status bar appears at the bottom of the TRANSFLO® Capture window and provides information, about the currently displayed document image.
The status bar is divided into three sections:
The first section indicates which document image you are viewing, out of the total number of document images in the batch.
The second section indicates the number of Accepted, Passed, Rejected, and remaining document images in the batch, as well as the number of document images remaining to be processed.
The third section displays any comments that were attached to a Passed Document.