5. Transflo Express Batch Import Service

Component 5 of 5

The TRANSFLO® Express Batch Import Service provides the ability to submit third-party transactions that include index field data for document typing so that output is received that includes document types for each document recognized as well as the index field data submitted.

  • This service adds the ability to pick up network folder transactions for TRANSFLO® Express processing in the format of a batch either with or without index field data.

  • This non-visual component requires all customer and service configuration to be done directly in the XML and configuration files.

This document is intended to be used as a sample for internal TRANSFLO® Software Developers, Engineers, and Architects of TRANSFLO® Express customers. Pegasus TransTech reserves the right to make updates and improvements to this information without notice.

As of August 2023, this content has been moved to an appropriate Transflo Express Admin KB site where administrators can log in to view this and other admin topics.