Transflo Geofence Alerts
If configured by your carrier, fleet, division, broker, or shipper, you might be prompted to tap a button or complete a short form on your mobile device when you arrive or depart. In other configurations, these geographical events might simply occur behind the scenes without any visual indication to you as a driver. For example, a system event might be triggered when you arrive at a stop. Just driving to the stop could kick off a simple system record based on the current date-time stamp and the coordinates of the stop measured in latitude and longitude on a map. (Your mobile app and your ELD are both capable of signaling the current location of the load.)
As a driver, you might receive alerts on the Mobile+ app to let you know when you have driven into the following invisible geofence zones:
Approaching your destination (for example, 5.0 miles from a pickup location)
Arrived at Stop (for example, 300 feet from the location)
Departed from Stop (for example, 300 feet from the location)
With the creation and implementation of optional geofence features, it is also possible for your loads workflow to be set up so that you only have to worry about driving and your mobile app automatically triggers the arrival and departure events for you. To improve automation, the assumption is that if you are within so many feet of the site, you have essentially arrived, and later if you are so many feet away, you likely departed without any issues.
Tip: Geofence features work with Transflo Loads Workflow 1.0 or 2.0 (a newer version expected to be released by December 2025).
As you approach a stop, your app shows Slide >> Arrived at Customer (Pickup). You might receive an alert that you are 1.0, 2.0, or 5.0 miles away.
Be sure to stop driving to swipe the slider. You receive an on-screen lock reminder: Do not use Transflo Mobile while driving.
As you approach your next stop within a pre-configured number of feet (for example, 300), an arrival message appears. Follow your company training policy to take one or more of the following possible appropriate actions:
Follow your company policy and any training you received before you choose one of the following actions:
A Confirm pickup complete message might appear. Choose Proceed or Cancel.
In some configurations, a Status form appears. Enter information and complete the form. Tap Send.
As a driver, be aware that all your loads follow a pattern defined by a workflow. For example, a typical load workflow might have three key events:
pickup at a shipper location
departure from a shipper location
arrival at a consignee delivery destination.
Your load might also include one or more other stops.
As you depart after pickup and loading, you might need to swipe the bottom slide.
Loaded... Departing... < < Slide
If configured, you might be able to skip any swiping and just drive beyond so many feet (for example, 300 feet). At that point, if Loads Geofence features are enabled with auto-event triggers, your auto-depart status is automatically triggered and recorded for you. Tap Show to view the next screen in the load workflow.
As you arrive at the consignee destination, follow your company policy. For example, you might swipe Slide: Arrived at Customer (Deliver) at the bottom or the geo-fence might detect this step for you.
You might also receive one or more alerts based on your proximity to the defined pickup, stop, or drop-off location:
Tip: Carrier fleets can track the location of the load based on your mobile app, RFID tags on palettes, trailer beacons, Geotab ELDs, mobile tracking devices, and other methods.
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Reminder: Transflo is the premier provider of popular commercial apps, custom white label apps, in-cab tablet editions, and thousands of additional integration features. Due to all the possible product configuration changes for your specific fleet, it is possible that user interface labels, buttons, links, dials, tiles, icons, colors, logos, and placement on the screen can vary. Features can also be hidden from your view based on fleet ID or permissions. In the documentation, we cover a default setup with screen examples that are generally similar for smart phones and tablets running either iOS or Android OS. Adjust certain steps, if needed, to reflect your actual device and product configuration.
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos: