Start a Route and Deliver a Load
As a driver, you can start a route to deliver a load for a carrier or broker. Your activity in the mobile plus app automatically changes the load status from Available to Accepted to In-transit to Delivered. For any load, you can also review its chat messages, scanned documents, stops, and maps.
Follow these steps:
On the Dashboard, tap Loads. Depending on your device and fleet configuration, you might see a Loads menu item, dial, or tile.
On the Loads screen, tap on the Accepted status tile. Loads that are ready to start and be tracked through delivery show an Accepted status.
On the Accepted screen, select a load.
Swipe the Start slider to the right.
The load status is now In-Transit and is ready to be delivered. Your fleet is notified in the system that you have started a confirmed load. Unless the Allow Location Access and Breadcrumb Tracking features are disabled, the Tracking in Progress message appears.
Swipe down the Load Details screen to view more information about the load.
You can also tap one of the following additional load options:
To go back to the list of loads, tap
After you begin the route, you can mark each section (portion or stop) of your load as Delivered.
Swipe the red Deliver slider to the left. Depending on how many documents and sections or stops are associated with the load, the number of times you see the Deliver slider varies.
Example: If two (2) Bill of Lading (BOL) documents are associated with the load, swipe the Deliver slider to the left again.
- The load is now delivered.
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos: