Change My Automatic ON Duty Log Status to OFF or SB
To clean up your HOS status, you or your fleet administrator can switch your logs to manual mode and change an incorrect ON duty or D (driving) status to OFF or SB (sleeper berth).
On the Home screen tap the HOS dial that shows ON.
Tap the HOS tile that shows ON.
- Tap
The Logs page shows a graph.
Swipe down to view the logs below the graph.
Find the log you want to edit and select it.
- Swipe down to identify whether the log is automatic or manual as shown in the Origin field.
Swipe up to the Status field.
Under Choose status, change the status from ON to OFF or SB.
Swipe down to add a required note (annotation) to the log and then tap Save.
Keywords: status cleanup, fix my logs, fix status, change HOS, logs wrong, driving when I'm not, violation, change from D or ON to sleeper berth, sleeper birth, SB, OFF, cleaned up status
View a demonstration of these steps in one or more Transflo videos: