Choose eBOL or ePOD in the Transflo Mobile+ app
As a driver using the Transflo Mobile app to deliver for one or more shippers, everything you do boils down to choosing either eBOL or ePOD in the app.
Tap eBOL when you are ready to:
Drive to the shipper facility
Select a shipper based on your current proximity to a shipper pickup location
Search for a specific shipment ID or eBOL number
Claim, sign, or send documents
Pickup the load
Tap ePOD after you deliver to one or more stops when you are ready to:
Find an ePOD based on the previous eBOL that you just signed, sent, or claimed
Get electronic signatures on an ePOD from the consignee
After delivery, when your documents are signed or you send them to be signed, you are done!
"That was fast and easy!" you say.
Yes, we agree, not just fast, Transflo fast.