Start Transflo Mobile+ In-Cab Edition

The in-cab edition of the Transflo Mobile+ app remains in the truck to support one dedicated driver or multiple drivers in a team driving (or slip-seating) arrangement where drivers simply take the next available truck. The in-cab edition of Mobile+ runs exclusively on tablet devices running the Android mobile operating system.

The popular Transflo Mobile+ app for commercial motor vehicle truck drivers is available in three (3) main ways:

  • Standard mainstream app (as seen in both the Google Play and Apple app stores)

  • In-cab edition (with Android tablets that remain in the truck; this KB article is about the in-cab edition)

  • Custom (white label) app (with custom fleet features)

Tip: As a driver, contact your fleet supervisor to determine if you should be using the standard Transflo Mobile+ app (as about 85% of drivers do) or a special edition such as a white label custom-branded edition for your company or a special in-cab edition.





  • In the settings for your mobile device, turn Battery Optimization OFF in order to enable location access for the Transflo Mobile+ app so your carrier, dispatcher, and fleet personnel can find your load and you can get real-time information based on your current location.

  • Set location access permission settings on your mobile device to ALWAYS ALLOW for the Transflo Mobile+ app.

  • Make sure you set the correct fleet (or recipient).